What is reclassification of English Learners and how does it happen? Link to this section
Reclassification is the process whereby a student is reclassified from English learner status to fluent English proficient (RFEP) status after meeting various linguistic and academic criteria set by the state and district. The San Francisco Unified School District has developed student reclassification policy and procedures based on criteria set forth by California Department of Education (CDE) guidelines. EL students are reclassified after meeting these four criteria:

- Summative ELPAC Overall Performance Level (PL) 4; for students with for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, alternate criterion is Summative Alternate ELPAC Overall PL 3
- Basic Skills Relative to English Proficient Students (demonstrated by meeting cut score on SBA ELA, Star Reading, or Reading Inventory;
- Teacher Evaluation;
- Parent Opinion and Consultation
EL students enter the reclassification process after meeting cut scores on the ELPAC and another ELA assessment (Smarter Balanced ELA, or Reading Inventory or Star Reading). Reclassification is approved after the remaining criteria are met: Teacher Evaluation and Parent Consultation.
For a detailed description, please refer to the process guide.
FAQs about reclassification are addressed below. You are welcome to email reclassification@sfusd.edu with any other questions about reclassification.
What are the four criteria for reclassification? What are the cut scores by grade level?
Please refer to the linked “SFUSD Reclassification Criteria by Grade Level in multiple languages:
How are English learners reclassified in our school district?
Four times a year, happening once in the Fall and three times in the Spring semester, eligible English learners are selected to enter the reclassification process after meeting the cut score for the ELPAC and one other ELA assessment (Star Reading, Fountas & Pinnell, Reading Inventory, or Smarter Balanced ELA). See reclassification criteria for cut scores by grade level.
After pre-qualifying for the process, students are evaluated by their current English teacher or another certificated staff member who has instructional or placement responsibilities. The evaluation includes a review of the student’s academic assessment data and performance in ELA and/or ELD.
Then, the parent/guardian(s) of the eligible student is consulted about their child’s pending reclassification by the teacher or another school staff.
At the end of the Fall and Spring semesters, the Multilingual Pathways Department reviews whether English learner students have met all four criteria of reclassification. Criteria 3 and 4 are met through the completion of the reclassification form, which must indicate both teacher recommendation and parent consultation.
What happens after English learner students reclassify to fluent English proficient?
Once students are reclassified (RFEP), they no longer need to participate in designated ELD, annual ELPAC testing, or other English learner services. The school and Multilingual Pathways Department will monitor RFEP students’ academic progress for four years after reclassification. Interventions and support will be recommended and implemented for RFEP students failing to meet academic achievement goals.

When does reclassification happen?
Reclassification can take place at any time during the academic year, upon the student meeting all the criteria.
SFUSD initiates four rounds of reclassification every year.
At the beginning of each round, parents/guardians are notified of their students’ eligibility through ParentVue. For families without ParentVue, a letter is mailed to the home. During each round, teachers evaluate the eligible students and consult with parents regarding reclassification decisions. Students who meet all four criteria for reclassification will have their statuses changed from EL to RFEP (Reclassified to fluent English proficient).

Standard Reclassification Windows:
Round 1: November 4th - November 22nd
Round 2: February 4th - March 21st
Round 3 (clean up for 2024-2025): April 1st - May 1st
Round 0 (uses first release of ELPAC scores from Spring 2025): Mid-May - June 4th
Who can I contact?
Feel free to email your questions to reclassification@sfusd.edu.
Reclassification of English Learners with IEPs (Individual Education Plans)
Link to this section
What is individualized reclassification?
Individualized Reclassification (IR) is a process by which an English Learner student with an IEP may be reclassified as a fluent English proficient student.
Students with disabilities should be provided the same opportunities to be reclassified as students without disabilities. Accommmodations, designated supports, and/or domain exemptions on the ELPAC may be provided to students with learning disabilities.
The Individualized Reclassification process considers all four criteria of reclassification, and reviews how a student with IEP demonstrates English proficiency that is comparable with peers of the same age. The IEP team is an integral part of individualized reclassification.
How is the IEP team involved with Individualized Reclassification decisions?
The IEP team's recommendation of a student with IEP would fulfill the teacher evaluation and parent consultation requirements for reclassification.
Addiitionally, the IEP team develops linguistically appropriate goals for the student, and considers whether accommmodations and designated supports can be provided for the ELPAC.
Who initiates and manages the Individualized Reclassification process?
The Special Education case manager is responsible for completing the Individualized Reclassification packet and submitting it to the Multilingual Pathways Department for approval.
What documents are required as part of the Individualized Reclassification packet submitted to Multilingual Pathways?
- Individualized Reclassification form with required signatures
- IEP -- a copy of the entire most recent IEP including a signed copy of the signature and consent page. Please note: The IEP must be compliant according to CDE guidelines & have all required components for EL students in the appropriate sections.
- Summative ELPAC or Alternate ELPAC results
- Evidence of English proficiency
This page was last updated on March 13, 2025