The Design Challenge Link to this section
Paul Revere College Preparatory School will use an Innovation Award in 2016-17 to develop a culture for students, staff, parents, and administrators that will cultivate authentic relationships that will help to reduce behavior issues and increase academic outcomes.
Paul Revere has been focused on addressing behavior issues using the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) framework. They have chosen three positive behavioral expectations for the students: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible. Additionally, they have developed a five step process for teachers to address behavior in their classrooms. However, they have noticed that theses actions have only served to address immediate behavior issues instead of establish a deeply ingrained, school-wide culture of positive behavioral expectations. Paul Revere wants its students to take ownership of engaging each other and the adults around them in positive and cooperative ways. In a recent parent survey, respondents felt that the behavioral needs of their children were not being met. More specifically, African American students are over represented in the number of referrals, suspensions, and documented incidents related to behavior as well as Latino students at only a slightly lower percentage. The team at Paul Revere wants to take action to address the behavioral challenges by employing systems and materials that comprehensively embody and teach Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to their students.
Explore Their Slideshow For More Information Link to this section
This page was last updated on June 3, 2021