PLC: Demonstration of Learning

Why Portfolios and other Demonstrations of Learning? Link to this section

At schools that anchor in portfolios or other demonstrations of learning: 

Students are provided with time, space and support to set goals, assess learning, track progress and present their growth.  Students present a purposeful body of evidence that shows effort, progress and achievement over time, including reflection on their learning journey. 

Students are seen as co-designers of their assessment, owning and sharing their learning. 

The community builds a culture of critique and revision, iteration and revision, performance assessment alongside summative assessments - anchoring in portfolios as a means of focusing on student independence, student agency and students as learning partners.

Portfolios and other Demonstrations of Learning Shift Practice from Transactional to Transformative

  • Instead of “right/wrong” or “they did/they didn’t” where do we see “evidence of”..
  • Instead of “did they complete it?” -“what did they learn?”
  • Instead of artifacts as the driver  development of skills and competences as the driver
  • Instead of showcasing perfect products showcasing process and products as evidence of growth/learning
  • Instead of discrete skills as focus Graduate Profile competencies as focus

Driving Questions for this PLC Link to this section

How might we utilize DoL/portfolios to provide opportunities for students to explore and become who they want to be in the world?

How might we utilize DoL/portfolios to provide a tangible pathway to bring the goals of Deeper Learning to life, enabling students to embody and progress toward the Graduate Profile(link is external) competencies?

Demonstration of Learning Videos Link to this section

Session Resources
Link to this section

Session 2

A selection of reflection activities to consider

  1. Utilizing ongoing reflection routines with students


  1. Supporting students to set, track and assess goals 


  1. Opportunities for students to give and receive critique

Feedback protocols such as T.A.G. feedback protocol(link is external); Two Stars and a Wish(link is external); I Like, I Wonder(link is external), Glows and Grows(link is external)

Session 3

A musing on just starting something video(link is external)

Session 4

Session 4 Agenda(link is external)

Session 4 Resources

  • Create your own template OR
  • Customize this template on CANVA
    • Go to this editable link(link is external) (DO NOT EDIT THIS ORIGINAL!)
    • Go to “FILE” and then “MAKE A COPY”
    • Now you can customize the tool for your team or school!

School Folders and Action Planning Docs Link to this section

[School Name]

This page was last updated on June 28, 2022