3rd - 5th Grade Lesson Activities by Core Instructional Priority

3rd - 5th Grade Lesson Activities by Core Instructional Priority
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3rd - 5th Grade Level Core Instructional Priorities

Assessment for Learning

Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level  Title  Description Seesaw Link
3rd Grade  Share What You Know About... Students will watch the model how to complete an exit ticket  during whole group instruction and then complete an exit ticket to show their understanding of a topic Seesaw Link (link is external)
4th Grade   Open Template: Exit Ticket Students will complete an exit ticket to show their understanding of a topic Seesaw Link (link is external)
5th Grade Explain Your Thinking Students will watch the teacher model how to use the reflection to explain their thinking on a topic, and then will use the Seesaw tools to explain their understanding of a topic Seesaw Link(link is external) 


Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level  Title  Description Seesaw Link
3rd Grade  Collaborate, Disagree, Persist, Valuable Students will be introduced to vocabulary words through a reading passage and build deeper understanding by collaborating with others  Seesaw Link(link is external)
4th Grade  Differing Opinions Students will describe two differing opinions and their supporting reasons on a topic. Encourage students to use text, drawing, and audio to explain their observation Seesaw Link(link is external)
5th Grade What is Feedback? Students will learn about empathy and the importance it plays when solving problems. Students will work with a partner to demonstrate their understanding of this skill and how it an important part of solving problems. Seesaw Link(link is external)

Equitable Access and Demand

Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level  Title  Description Seesaw Link
3rd Grade  Totally Me Students will examine their identity by thinking of how others see them and how they see themselves. Seesaw Link (link is external)
4th Grade  You Choose! Show What you Know! Upon completion of a task, students use this activity to choose a way to show their work. This activity also encourages students to choose a new option each time they complete this activity. Seesaw Link (link is external)
5th Grade Reader's Response Notebook This Reader’s Response Activity allows students to choose how to respond to a prompt: video/audio, typing a response, or writing a response Seesaw Link(link is external)


Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level  Title  Description Seesaw Link
3rd Grade  Notice & Wonder Students will analyze an image and document what they notice and wonder about the image Seesaw Link(link is external) 
4th Grade 


Students will complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket to reflect on 3 things they learned, 2 facts they found interesting, and 1 question they have about a specific topic. Seesaw Link(link is external)
5th Grade Make a Connection Students will explain connections between what they’ve learned and their other own personal experiences. Seesaw Link(link is external)

This page was last updated on April 27, 2023