Google's Chrome Canvas for Families

Navigating Chrome Canvas
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Chrome Canvas iconChrome Canvas is a creative drawing tool available in either the Chrome browser or on a Chromebook. Learn more about accessing and using Chrome Canvas by selecting the topics listed below.

Accessing Chrome Canvas

On a laptop or desktop computer

Open the Chrome web browser, and type is external) in the address bar. You may be prompted to choose which Google account you would like to use or you may be prompted to login. Learn more about logging into your SFUSD Google account.

On a smartphone or iPad

Make sure you have the Chrome web browser app on your device. Open that Chrome web browser app, and type is external) in the address bar. You may be prompted to choose which Google account you would like to use or you may be prompted to login. Learn more about logging into your SFUSD Google account.

On a Chromebook

In the corner of your screen, open the Launcher Chromebook launcher icon Chromebook launcher icon side arrow Up arrow Chromebook launcher icon up arrow. Then open Canvas Chrome Canvas icon

Helpful buttons in Chrome Canvas

Create a new Canvas drawing buttonsButtons to create a new Canvas drawing - You can create a blank new Canvas drawing or creating a new Canvas drawing that uses an image as its background. 

Canvas tool barCanvas tool bar - This is the tool bar where you find all of the different drawing tools. You can choose the type of pen (marker, chalk, pencil, etc.), its color, and its thickness. 

Layers menuLayers menu - You can use layers to isolate different pieces of your drawing. You can add layers by clicking the + button, and you can also make each layer visible or invisible by clicking its eye icon. This is helpful for more complex drawings.

Layer visibility buttonLayer visibility button - Click this button in the layers menu to make a specific layer visible or invisible.

More buttonMore button - This button offers you the option to save your drawing as an image file to be able to send it to others or to turn it in to Google Classroom.

Turning in a Canvas drawing to Google Classroom

To turn your Chrome Canvas drawing into Google Classroom, follow these steps:

  1. In your drawing, click the More button More button and choose "Save as image" to export your drawing.
  2. Open the class in Google Classroom(link is external), and go to the Classwork tab. Google Classroom classwork tab
  3. Find the assignment, and click on it to expand it to show the directions. Then click "View assignment". Google Classroom view assignment button
  4. OGoogle Classroom your work spacen the right side, find the spaced titled "Your work". Click the "Add or create" button, then choose "File", to attach your saved drawing file.
  5. Click the"Turn in" button to submit your work to your teacher. 

Google Classroom private comments spaceHave questions about the assignment? Use the "Private comments" section under "Your work" to send a private message to your teacher.

Learn more about Google Classroom.

This page was last updated on March 9, 2021