The Design Challenge Link to this section
Mission High School will use an Innovation Award in 2016-17 to shape their African American female students’ identities and strengthen connections between students and adults in order to cultivate a culture of excellence.
Currently in SFUSD, schools face the challenge of getting African American students college and career ready and increasing graduation rates. Overall, Mission High School has a successful track record of increasing the number of African American students graduating college and career ready. Recently, they have implemented an African American Manhood course, specifically focused on supporting that group of students through workshops and community outreach. However, after multiple surveys and interviews, they have identified a need to improve their impact on their African American female students. Through their research, female students have expressed a need for culturally relevant curriculum, high expectations and accountability, and strong relationships with mentors and teachers. This specific population is in need of support from the school to address the challenges and struggles that this group of students face.
Explore Their Slideshow For More Information Link to this section
This page was last updated on April 29, 2020