Lesson Activities for Art

Art Lesson Activities by Grade Level
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Seesaw Lesson Activities for Art

PK/TK - 2nd Grade

Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level     Title        Description        Seesaw    Activity Link
Get To Know Seesaw!

This is to help us all become familiar with Seesaw activities and the tools of Seesaw.Students are encouraged to use Seesaw's Creative Canvas to draw themselves.

Seesaw Link (link is external)
Self Portrait The Skin You Live In
SFUSD Educator Created. After reading the Skin You Live In. Watch the Book read by the author.  After watching the video, students are prompted to use the template to draw a self-portrait of the skin, they live in. Seesaw Link(link is external)
STEAM: Making Art from Recycled Materials and/or Nature!

SFUSD Educator Created. Students will making crafts with  recycled materials - a cereal box, water bottle, scraps of paper, plastic lids, and/or things from nature - leaves, rocks, sticks... and then post on Seesaw to share their creations with others. 

Seesaw Link(link is external)
Art with Illustrator Christian Robinson
Students will explore how different cultures use candles to celebrate and then create their own celebration candles using Seesaw's Creative Canvas. Seesaw Link (link is external)
1st grade
Light- STEAM
Students will explore light with Dr. Science and Dr. Discovery and engage in a variety of STEAM activities to deepen their understanding of this topic.Students will listen to how a stained glass window can tell a story using light. Next, they will watch a video on how to create a stained glass window and then create their own, sharing its story when it is finished. Seesaw Link(link is external) 
1st grade 
Shapes in Art-STEAM
Students are challenged to use shapes to create works of art.  Seesaw Link(link is external)
2nd Grade
I Am Not A Scribble!
After listening to a read-aloud of I Am Not Just a Scribble , students will use Seesaw's creative canvas to design and create something to share with the group.  Seesaw Link(link is external)
2nd Grade 
Storytime: The Dot 
After listening to a read-aloud of The Dot , students will use paper and coloring supplies to design and create something to share with the group.   Seesaw Link(link is external)

3rd - 5th Grade

Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level     Title        Description        Seesaw    Activity Link
3rd Grade 
Creativity: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Students are challenged to use an empty paper towel roll to reuse the roll and make it into something usable. Once the post their creation they are asked to make a video of themselves explaining what they created! 

Seesaw Link (link is external)
4th Grade
Street Art - 4 Banksy
Students will learn more about the Street Artist Banksy and engage in conversations about their work.  Seesaw Link(link is external)
5th Grade 
One Point Perspective Drawings

Students will practice drawing one point perspective style art.

Seesaw Link(link is external)

6th - 8th Grade

Here is where we will add Links to lesson activities for 6th-8th grade

  • 6th Grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade

9th - 12th Grade

Here is where we will add Links to lesson activities for 3rd - 5th grade

  • 9th Grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade
  • 12th Grade

This page was last updated on May 3, 2023