Biliteracy Recognitions

What is the Biliteracy Program Participation Recognition? Link to this section

The Biliteracy Program Participation Recognition award helps students start their path to becoming bilingual or multilingual, with the goal of earning the Seal of Biliteracy when they graduate from high school. The award recognizes students' progress in learning languages besides English and encourages them to stay connected to their home language and culture.

Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, this award will be given to all 5th- and 8th-grade students who are in World Language, Dual Language Immersion, and Biliteracy Programs. Students will receive their certificate at 5th grade promotion or 8th grade graduation. 

Students who receive the Biliteracy Program Participation Recognition are on the path towards earning the Seal of Biliteracy, a prestigious honor awarded by the State of California to graduating seniors.

This page was last updated on December 19, 2024