Google Meet iconWhat is Google Meet? Meet is Google's video meeting tool, and it allows you to meet remotely and partner with staff, families, and external groups.

Starting in Fall 2023, SFUSD's DoT recommends using Meet for most virtual meetings as we strive to reduce our reliance on Zoom. Learn more in our "Which video meeting tool should I use?" section.

Start arrow New to this Google tool?

Check out our "Basics" section for resources to get you started off on the right foot.

Compass Ready to learn more about this Google tool and go further?

Take a look at our "Tips & Tricks" section to get ideas and suggestions.

Open padlock Not sure if your students have access to this Google tool?

The "Who can use" section outlines which grade levels have access to this tool.

Group of people Want to use Meet with students & families?

Learn more in our "Using Meet with families & students" section.

Which video meeting tool should I use?

To see a larger version of this image or to open the linked how-to resources, visit Which video meeting tool should I use?(link is external)

Comparison of Meet vs Zoom; link to information is provided
(link is external)

Who can use Google Meet?

Google Meet permissions & access

Google Meet is a video conferencing tool, and it is only available for use by SFUSD staff. Students can join a Meet created by an SFUSD employee, but students are not allowed create/start a Meet because the video conferences can be joined by anonymous or unknown users.

Please note: SFUSD accounts cannot be used to join meetings created by non-EDU accounts. Non-EDU accounts can join SFUSD meetings after hosts approves them (via a pop-up notification).

If you have any questions, please submit a Help Desk ticket.

This page was last updated on August 9, 2024