Social Studies - Humanities Lesson Activities by Grade Level

Social Studies - Humanities by Grade Level
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Seesaw Lesson Activities for Social Studies - Humanities

PK/TK - 2nd Grade

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Grade Level     Title        Description        Seesaw    Activity Link
Family Interview: What is the story of my name?

There are so many incredible family stories. We are going to interview a family member to discover some of the stories in your family. What is the story of your name? How did you get your name? What does it mean?

Seesaw Link(link is external)
Kamala and Maya's Big Idea

Listen to Kamala and Maya's Big Idea, read aloud by the author who is the niece of Kamala Harris and the daughter of Kamala's sister Maya. Then think about a BIG IDEA that you have. Is there something missing in your neighborhood, community, or school? Is there something you'd like to change? Draw a picture of your BIG IDEA and record yourself explaining it!

Seesaw Link(link is external)
1st grade
Me on the Map: Day 1
SFUSD educator created lesson;In alignment with 1st grade history and social science standards students will first listen to the story that introduces maps and geography to young students. Then students will be asked to create their own renderings of themselves on a the map.  Seesaw Link(link is external) 
1st Grade
Where does your family have roots?
In alignment with 1st grade history and social science standards students will explore and locate on maps and globes their local community, California, the United States, the seven continents, and the four oceans. Seesaw Link(link is external)
2nd Grade
Social Studies: Families: Mi familia / My Family
SFUSD educator created lesson; Students will lean into prior knowledge of their families to practice identifying and sharing family  Seesaw Link (link is external)
2nd Grade 
Traditions Family Interview 
SFUSD educator created lesson; Students interview family members to learn and share family traditions  Seesaw Link(link is external) 

3rd - 5th Grade

Click on the link to access the Seesaw Activity

Grade Level     Title        Description        Seesaw    Activity Link
3rd Grade 
Say Something- Read Aloud and Sign Decorating Activity

SFUSD educator created lesson; Students will listen to a reading of Say Something by Peter H. Reynolds and then are prompted to share an experience where they say something that wasn't right and said something

Seesaw Link(link is external)
4th Grade 
Interactive State Journal: California

Students will create an interactive journal about their state to learn about the history, geography, economics, and government in their state

Seesaw Link(link is external)
4th Grade 
California's Four Regions
Students will watch a video and then sharing 1 key fact or new takeaway after the watching the video. Seesaw Link(link is external) 
5th Grade 
Create Your Own Presidential Cabinet
Students will learn about the different Cabinet positions and gain valuable critical thinking and decision-making skills as they justify their choices and write a short explanation about why they selected each person. Seesaw Link(link is external)

6th - 8th Grade

Here is where we will add Links to lesson activities for 6th-8th grade

  • 6th Grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade

9th - 12th Grade

Here is where we will add Links to lesson activities for 3rd - 5th grade

  • 9th Grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade
  • 12th Grade

This page was last updated on April 27, 2023