Essential Information Link to this section


Clever logo blue square with large CEasy, secure access to SFUSD digital learning resources for PK-12 students with automated rostering from Synergy. SFUSD sign on portal provides an easy and secure way for students to log into all SFUSD applications.

Teachers can use the Clever Teacher Page to organize digital resources for students and communicate with the whole class and individual students. Teachers can instantly launch applications for the whole class and see what students are logged into the app and how much time is spent in the application.  


Clever is available for grade PK through 12, paid for by SFUSD as a core application

Students and teachers can access Clever by logging in with their SFUSD Google credentials.  SFUSD students are automatically logged into Clever when logged into SFUSD Chromebook.  All PK-3rd grade students can use a Clever Badge to log in to the portal.  For teachers looking for additional information on Clever Badges, see tutorial playlist below.


Curricular Uses, Resources, & Tutorials Link to this section

All students and teachers can use this tool to access all approved SFUSD applications.  Students using an SFUSD Chromebook are automatically logged into Clever. 

Teachers can use Clever to organize learning resources and communicate with students. Clever provides a safe and secure portal for all students and might help to build the following digital learning competencies, as described in SFUSD's Digital Learning Scope & Sequence(link is external):

Lock within a circle to indicate Privacy and Security Privacy and Security  Using a single sign on portal builds strategies for managing online personal information and keeps identity secure. Students focus on maintaining secure ways to keep their personal information safe online.  


Lowercase i within a circle to indicate the icon for News and Media LiteracyInformation Literacy Students use a variety of strategies including using the collated resources from teachers to identify information from viable websites, news, and published materials. 


Aligned Digital Agency Link to this section

If your students are using Clever to log in securely to SFUSD applications, the following digital agency topics and lessons will help them use it effectively and responsibly.

Privacy and security iconPrivacy and Security
Learn strategies for managing their online information and keeping it secure from online risks, such as identity thieves and phishing, such as identity thieves and phishing. Common Sense Media lessons addressing privacy and security(link is external)


Digital Footprint logoDigital Footprint and Identity
Identify some of the benefits and risks of sharing information online and articulate that they have a digital footprint with information that can be searched, copied, and passed on. Common Sense Media lessons addressing digital footprint and identity(link is external)

This page was last updated on June 11, 2024