2016-2017 Innovation Awards
In 2016-2017, SFUSD has administered the QTEA Innovation Awards to advance our broader commitment to develop SFUSD into an innovative system and capitalize on SFUSD’s iLab as a resource toward that end. As a result, schools were again invited to submit an application for an equity challenge that their school community wants to tackle in an innovative fashion. The winning schools then assembled a diverse team of administrators, staff, parents, and students to engage in a six week design process to conduct empathy and inspiration based research, unearth critical insights, and create new solutions that they will implement to address their unique challenge. This year SFUSD awarded funding and coaching to all 18 schools that applied so they could benefit from the design process. At an inaugural “Pitch Night,” schools presented their solutions for additional funding and support from QTEA and the broader SFUSD community.
Buena Vista Horace Mann
How might we improve participation and engagement of English Learners in order to increase overall academic achievement and close the opportunity gap that exists for students of color?
Carver Elementary School
How do we increase the number of instructional minutes spent in class for African American male students?
ER Taylor Elementary School
How might we build empathy and trust among our staff so that we may face the equity challenges of our school?
Everett Middle School
How might we support teachers to have regular and ongoing data driven conversations with students so they have academic/learner identities and take ownership of their school experience?
Flynn Elementary School
How might we help our new teachers inside and outside their classrooms so they feel successful while teaching?
Glen Park Elementary School
How might we create an inviting space to optimize the services and support offered through the Wellness Center to identify and build on students’ strengths toward meeting their needs and those who serve them?
Harvey Milk Elementary School
How might we create an emotionally safe environment in our 3rd grade class so that all students are feeling safe and secure for learning?
Hoover Middle School
How might we leverage the iLab 3D design process to build a culture of innovation that builds the “creative confidence” of students and staff to tackle persistent equity-centered problems?
Independence High School
How might we as a school support our students to be more engaged and better with completing assignments on time?
John Muir Elementary School
How might we create systems of support, communication, and personalized services in order to help teachers enhance relationships with our most vulnerable families?
Marshall Elementary School
How can we create a collaborative school culture built on trust and supporting 21st century student outcomes?
ML King Jr. Middle School
How might we increase student engagement through the implementation of Project Based Learning and STEAM?
Mission High School
How might we shape our African-American female students’ identities and strengthen connections between students and staff in order to cultivate a culture of excellence?
Paul Revere Elementary School
How might we develop a culture between students, staff, parents and administrators to cultivate authentic relationships that help to reduce behavior issues and increase academic outcomes?
SF International High School
How might we design a satellite continuation school to better serve our unaccompanied, recently arrived immigrant students, who need to work full time?
The Academy High School
How might we create a community space that celebrates our diversity and inspires a sense of pride and identity?
Visitacion Valley Middle School
How might we create learning spaces that facilitate culturally responsive teaching, for our most vulnerable students, in preparation for the world of 2050?
This page was last updated on April 30, 2020