Weekly bulletin for Oct 27, 2022

Principal's Message Link to this section

  October 27,2022

MEC spelled out with people

Hello MEC Community,

We are getting ready for our annual Halloween celebration on Monday, October 31!
It is always a busy but really fun day at school. Halloween is one of those quintessential American holidays. We do our best to celebrate it in a very healthy way. 

You are invited to visit our parade on Monday. Please arrive between 1 PM to 1:20 PM and meet us on the yard. Between 1-1:30 PM, students will change into their costumes. At 1:30 all students will be on the yard and we will start our parade around the block. When we return to MEC, students will “trick or treat” around the schoolyard. Our final activity will be a Dance Party!

This is the time of year we start to see cases of head lice. If your child has long hair, please put it in braids, ponytails, or a bun. Lice do not fly or jump they crawl. You can often see them or the eggs (nits) along the hairline. Lice are not a sign that you or your child is dirty, as a matter of fact, lice thrive in clean hair due to the lack of natural oils. If your child does get head lice, please do the treatment and let the school know so that we can take measures to contain the spread.

School applications for the next school year (SY 2023-2024) arrived home last week. Please do not submit the application until after Parent-Teacher conferences in November. Before you submit the application, we would like to share with you information about the different programs available for your child. We will also assist you with the applications if necessary. Submitting the application before the Round 1 deadline will not guarantee placement in your first choice.

Finally, this Friday, we will have an earthquake drill. Next month, we will have a lockdown practice. It hurts my heart to have to do this particular drill. Please talk with your child about the why for this particular drill so they are prepared. Staff will also share appropriately with students. 

Thank you so much and have a wonderful week!

Carla A Llewelyn-Vasquez, Principal

415-695-5313 MEC 415-930-0508 Cell

What's Happening At MEC Link to this section

Friday,October 28,2022 @ 9 AM TK Principal Chat  & Earthquake drill

Monday,October 31,2022      Halloween Celebration @1:30 PM

Tuesday, November 1, 2022    LatinX Parenting Workshop  @ 5:30 PM see link below


This page was last updated on November 9, 2022