MEC weekly bulletin November 9

Principal's Message Link to this section

MEC spelled out with people

November 9, 2022

Dear MEC Families,

November is a busy month around MEC!

I hope you are all healthy and enjoying the season. I love everything about Fall except for the cold. I don’t think I will ever get used to cold weather. For me, Fall is a time to reflect on the year and for me to spend time with my family. We will have the week of November 21-25 as our Fall break so there will be no classes that week. 

Parent-Teacher conferences will be next week November 14-18. Dismissal will be at 1:40 PM for the entire week. If your child takes the bus they will be picked up at 1:40 PM, ExCel afterschool program will start at 1:40 PM. If you pick up your child, please be here at the 1:40 dismissal to pick them up. It is very important for you to attend the conference to learn about your child’s progress. Please make every effort to attend. You also have the option of doing the conference over Zoom if you are unable to attend in person. Let the teacher know so that they can get you a link.

I will be hosting workshops to share and explain more about schools, programs, and options available to you for next school year the week after Fall break. Please stay tuned for more information. The first week of December we will begin hosting workshops to assist you in completing the school application if your child will be moving on to another school. Applications are due in February. We have a lot of time but don’t want to miss the deadline for submission in February. 

Next Wednesday, we will have our annual Thanksgiving celebration. This is a beautiful event where we share our gratitude. Students will enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with a MEC twist!

We have quite a few items in our lost and found. Please label your child’s belongings with their names. This includes jackets, backpacks, water bottles,etc.

School Health Requirements! Please get those turned in as soon as possible.

Lastly, it is imperative that we have your contact information on file in the office. We are missing quite a few Emergency Contact cards. I consider this to be a safety issue. Please check your child’s backpack or ask your child if the school sent one for you to fill out. 

Have a great week!

Carla A Llewelyn-Vasquez, Principal

415-695-5313 MEC 415-930-0508 Cell

What's Happening At MEC Link to this section

Friday,November 11, 2022 Veteran's Day Holiday------ School is closed

November 14-18 Parent-teacher conference week. Dismissal is at 1:40 PM

November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break----School is closed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022    LatinX Parenting Workshop  @ 5:30 PM see link below.This is the last week of the workshop series."></a>&nbsp;

Tuesday,November 29,2022 Enrollment Workshop @ 5:30 PM

This page was last updated on December 14, 2022