6.2.6 Additional Recommended Interventions and Supports: Special Populations

Students involved in an incident and who fall under one of the following categories should receive additional support; please refer to the guidance below in order to access these supports.

Students with IEPs/Section 504

Families can meet with the IEP team or Section 504 team and consider conducting a functional behavior assessment (FBA), developing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and assess all positive behavior strategies and related services and placement. To contact the IEP team or Section 504 team, get a recommendation through the school site's Coordinated Care Team (CCT), contact the school site's SPED case manager / Section 504 coordinator, or the principal. 

Foster youth

Foster youth, families, and school staff can contact Foster Youth Services Coordinating Programs via their school social worker, counselor or the Resource Link (email sflink@sfusd.edu(link sends email) or call 415-340-1716 during hours of operation). Foster youth additionally have a social worker and dependency attorney that may be able to access court or outside resources, help develop a plan, or check for full implementation of Assembly Bill 420/1933/1909. 

Students experiencing housing transition and homelessness

Youth and families experiencing housing transition or homelessness, and their school staff, can connect with the Student and Family Services Division via the Resource Link at sflink@sfusd.edu(link sends email) or 415-340-1716 (during hours of operation) to determine additional supports needed. 

Students on Probation

There may be additional resources and programs available to students on probation, through Juvenile Probation, the Public Defender’s Office, or other sources. Families or staff can contact the Student and Family Services Division via the Resource Link at sflink@sfusd.edu(link sends email) or 415-340-1716 (during hours of operation) to coordinate determination and access of such services. 

African-American students (students who have been disproportionately suspended)

The school’s administration must contact the Assistant Superintendent prior to suspending African-American in order to verify the exhaustion of alternatives in Matrix or support for interventions.

Families requiring translation services

If the school has not provided necessary translation or interpretation, families and staff can contact the Translation and Interpretation Unit to receive appropriate services: https://www.sfusd.edu/services/family-supports-services/family-school-communications/translation-and-interpretation-services-families 


This page was last updated on September 26, 2022