3.9.16 Notification: Healthy Schools Act of 2000 Pesticide Notification

Notification: Healthy Schools Act of 2000 Pesticide Notification Link to this section

The California Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires all California school districts notify parents and guardians about the use of pesticides in schools. The Act requires that:

  • 1. Parents and Guardians must be provided with an annual written notification of the pesticides a school district expects to apply during the year including the name of the pesticide and the active ingredients(s).

 As part of the City and County of San Francisco’s West Nile Virus Response Plan, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH), a licensed pest control operator working under the direction of the DPH and the SFUSD, or under limited circumstances, SFUSD staff will be periodically treating storm drain catch basins and other outdoor locations with stagnant water at all SFUSD sites in order to control disease-bearing mosquitoes:

Active Ingredients Typical Commercial Products Applied
Bacillius thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (“BTI”) Mosquito Dunks (10.31% BTI, Summit Chemical, EPA Registration Number 6218-47
(S)-Methoprene (“methoprene”, CAS #65733-16-6)

Altosid XR Briquets (2.1% methoprene, Wellmark International, EPA Registration Number 2724-42)

Altosid Pellets Water Soluble Packets (WSP) (4.25% methoprene, Wellmark International, EPA Registration Number 2724-448)

Altosid Pellets (4.25% methoprene, Wellmark International, EPA Registration Number 2724-448)
Petroleum Oil (“hydrotreated light naphthenic distillate”, CAS #64742-53-6 Golden Bear GB-1111 Mosquito Larvicide (98.7% petroleum oil)

There are no other planned or scheduled pesticide applications in or around SFUSD properties. In case of compelling health and safety needs (typically severe flea or rodent infestations) or the risk of serious structural damage to an SFUSD facility from an active termite infestation, pesticides other than those listed above may however be employed.  Parents and guardians at affected sites will be notified in advance of any applications.

  • 2. A registry must be established for parents or guardians to request written notification prior to individual pesticide applications at a specific school site.

Requests for written notifications can be made using the form in chapter 3.9.19: “Request for Individual Pesticide Application Notification”

By US Mail, send your completed request form to:

San Francisco Unified School District
Environmental Health Office
135 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Attention: HSA Notification Request

By fax, send your completed request form to:
355-7305. Please indicate “HSA Notification Request” on the fax cover sheet.

By email, send the information requested on the form to: hsa2000@sfusd.edu(link sends email).

Please include “HSA Notification Request” on your email subject line, and include all of the information requested on the form.

Depending on the volume of notification requests received, notifications may be handled either individually by US mail or email, or by letters distributed to the entire student body of a school for hand carrying to the parents and guardians.

You can find more information regarding pesticides and pesticide use reduction at the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s website at apps.cdpr.ca.gov/schoolipm/.

(CA Education Code 17608 et. seq. and 48980.3. Food and Agricultural Code 13180 et. seq.)

This page was last updated on June 8, 2022