3.9.2 Physical Education

Physical Education Link to this section

SFUSD Board Policy 6142.7(link is external)

Instruction in physical education shall be provided for a total period of time of not less than 200 minutes each 10 school days for students in grades 1-6 and not less than 400 minutes each 10 school days for students in grades 7-12. (Education Code 51210, 51222)  In recognition of the goals of the District’s PE Master Plan, the Board strongly encourages the continued provision of PE at all grade levels as described in the PE Master Plan, including 100 minutes of physical education and physical activity per week for kindergarten students.  (BP 6142.7)

All high school students are required to take PE in 9th and 10th grade, unless otherwise exempted.

At least two years of Physical Education are required to graduate unless otherwise exempted pursuant of Board Policy.  Students who have been granted a two-year exemption from physical education in grades 10-12, or a permanent exemption, shall be offered a variety of elective physical education courses of not less than 400 minutes each 10 school days. (BP 6146.1, Education Code 33352, 51222)

Physical education instruction shall be delivered by appropriately credentialed teachers who may be assisted by instructional aides, paraprofessionals, and/or volunteers. (BP 6142.7)

This page was last updated on October 21, 2022