3.3.8 Cal Grant Applicant Opt Out Form

Cal Grant Applicant Opt Out Form Link to this section

For students to be considered for a Cal Grant, California public high schools are required to submit a high school Grade Point Average (GPA) to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) by October 1 for all graduating seniors, unless the student or parent has opted out. 

This serves as notice to all grade 11 pupils and their parents/guardians (if under the age of 18) that the San Francisco Unified School District intends to submit the GPA of every pupil enrolled in grade 12 to CSAC by October 1 unless their parent or guardian opts out in writing within 30 days of this notice. For pupils who are 18 years of age, only the pupil may opt themself out and if the pupil turns 18 prior to the conclusion of the notice period, the pupil may opt in over the prior decision of a parent or guardian to opt out.

The purpose of this submission is to allow CSAC to determine Cal Grant eligibility and make appropriate financial aid awards to students who will be attending college. Without the grade point average information verified by the school district, CSAC will not be able to determine your child's eligibility.

Download the FAFSA or California Dream Opt Out Form(link is external).  Please sign and return this form only if you do not want your child's grade point average to be submitted for financial aid eligibility.   

Return to:  

Student and Family Services Division

20 Cook Street, Room 10

San Francisco, CA 94118 

Fax 415-750-8653

This page was last updated on August 5, 2024