3.6.7 Language Program Request Form

3.6.7 Language Program Request Form Link to this section

Available Language Programs

SFUSD offers the following language and language acquisition programs for student enrollment. Parents/Guardians may choose a language acquisition program that best suits their child (EC Section 310[a]):

Language programs are educational programs designed for English Learners (ELs) to ensure English proficiency is developed as rapidly and effectively as possible, and to provide instruction to these students on the state-adopted academic content and English Language Development (ELD) standards through Integrated and Designated ELD.  San Francisco Unified School District currently offers the following language program options:

  • General Education Programs (GE) provide structured, immersive English instruction in all content-areas. English Learners in GE receive Designated-ELD along with Integrated ELD which is provided throughout the day. All students are eligible to apply for General Education Programs. 
  • Dual Language Immersion Programs (DLI) are offered for K-5 and taught in the target language (Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, or Spanish) and in English, with the goals of language proficiency in the target language and in English. All students are eligible to apply for grades PK and K-1; demonstration of target language proficiency is required in the program language for grades 2-5.
  • Biliteracy Programs are offered for K-5 in either Cantonese/English or Spanish/English, and intended for English learners utilizing English and their native language for literacy and academic instruction, with the goal of proficiency and academic achievement in English and students’ native language (Cantonese or Spanish).  All students must be potential English Learners and their home language must correspond with the requested Biliteracy programs. Demonstration of target language proficiency is required in the program language for grades 2-5.
  • World Language in Elementary Schools are K-5 programs taught mostly in English and the objective is to expose students to 30-60 minutes per day in the target language: Arabic, Filipino, Japanese or Vietnamese. All students are eligible to apply for the world programs. 
  • World Language in Secondary Schools are grade 6-12 programs that provide up to 5 periods weekly in a target language. 
  • Newcomer Programs are designed to help newly arrived immigrant English Learners to adjust to their new language and culture. Only new immigrants who scored Novice English Learner on the Initial ELPAC may apply. They receive more intensive English Language Development (ELD) supports, along with primary language supports and referrals to services.
    • Elementary Chinese and Spanish Newcomer Programs provide instruction in the primary language and at least 60 minutes of Designated ELD.
    • Middle and High School Newcomer Programs provide sheltered content instruction and 45-90 minutes of Designated ELD

How to Enroll Your Child in a Language Acquisition Program:

Parents/legal guardians may request the language program of their choice on initial enrollment into a school, even for a language program not currently offered at the school site. If a language program is not currently offered at the school, then parents/guardians of enrolled students and those enrolled for attendance in the next school year may make a request of the district to establish a specific language program that is currently not available. The district will maintain these processes for language program requests:

  1. Families may submit a language program request form(link is external). All requests shall be maintained for at least three years from the date of the request.
  2. When the parents/guardians of at least 30 students enrolled in the school, or at least 20 students in the same grade level, request the same or a substantially similar type of language acquisition program, the Superintendent or designee shall:  
    • Within 10 days of reaching the threshold, notify the parents/guardians of students attending the school, the school's teachers, administrators, and the District English Learner Advisory Committee and parent advisory committee, in writing, of the requests for a language acquisition program.
    • Identify costs and resources necessary to implement any new language acquisition program, including, but not limited to, certificated teachers with the appropriate authorizations, necessary instructional materials, pertinent professional development for the proposed program, and opportunities for parent/guardian and community engagement to support the proposed program goals.
    • Within 60 calendar days of reaching the threshold number of parents/guardians described in item #2 above, determine whether it is possible to implement the requested language acquisition program and provide written notice of the determination to parents/guardians of students attending the school, the school's teachers, and administrators 
    • If a determination is made to implement the language acquisition program, create and publish a reasonable timeline of actions necessary to implement the program. If a determination is made that it is not possible to implement the program, provide a written explanation of the reason(s) the program cannot be provided.

For more information, review Administrative Regulation 5145.61(link is external)

Administrative Regulation 5145.61 (link is external)for Parental Notice and Requests for Language Acquisition Programs outlines the district requirements for the California Education for a Global Economy Initiative. The purpose of the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative is to ensure that all children in California public schools receive the highest quality education, master the English language, and access high-quality, innovative, and research-based language programs that prepare them to fully participate in a global economy.


This page was last updated on August 5, 2024