3.9.7 Health Insurance Options

Health Insurance Options Link to this section

You may contact your school social worker, school district nurse, or high school Wellness Program for help connecting with community health services and health insurance, including Medi-Cal and Gateway Medical.

“Gateway” is the name given to a special process where families with children and youth (ages 0-18yrs) who are uninsured (or underinsured) and low to moderate income, can obtain temporary full-scope, no-cost Medi-Cal benefits at a local CHDP (Child Health and Disability Prevention) certified clinic when a child needs one of the following types of well child examinations:

  • Annual Comprehensive Well Child Exam
  • Comprehensive School Examination

Please see the Gateway Flyer (link is external)for more information.

For more information, visit www.sfhsa.org/services/health-food/medi-cal(link is external). Students and their families may qualify for free or lower cost health insurance under The Affordable Care Act. Enroll now online at CoveredCA.com(link is external).

For one-on-one assistance, please call Covered CA at (800) 300-1506 or visit: 

SF BenefitsNet

1440 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 558-4700
www.sfhsa.org(link is external)

 No Insurance? Healthy San Francisco Link to this section

Healthy San Francisco is a program for those 18-64 designed to make health care services available and affordable to uninsured San Francisco residents who are not eligible for Covered California or Medi-Cal.

Website:   healthysanfrancisco.org(link is external)

Phone Number: 415-615-4588

The Community Health Network (CHN) Link to this section

The San Francisco CHN encompasses a wide array of services across a continuum of care.  You do not have to have insurance for some of these services. Major service components include primary care (provided at sites throughout the City), specialty care, acute care, home care, long-term care, and emergency care.  If you need a TB test  or child's physical, visit one of the city’s Health Centers for free or low cost care. A list of clinics can be found at https://www.sfdph.org/dph/comupg/oservices/medSvs/hlthCtrs/default.asp(link is external) or call SF General Hospital at 415-206-8000 for inquiries about any medical situation.

You can also call 311 from within the 415 area code to speak with the San Francisco’s customer service center to locate the health center nearest you.

This page was last updated on July 15, 2024