Scroll down to view each FAQ separately (viewable in multiple languages using Google Translate (view instructions to translate this website).
Benefits and Payments
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How are SERP benefits disbursed?
All forms of benefits are annuities that will be purchased from an insurance company. Eligible retiring employees may choose to receive monthly income in one of the nine benefit payment options from 5 years to lifetime.
Is there a lump sum payout option?
There is no lump sum payout option.
How is the SERP benefit calculated?
The SERP benefit is based on a percentage of your current base salary specified by your district. You will receive your estimated benefit options based on your salary during your individual counseling session.
What is included in the salary calculation?
Annual base salary plus longevity. No add-ons or stipends are included.
Is the annuity taxable income?
Yes, any payment that is not categorized as a rollover is considered income and taxable in the year in which it is received.
May I rollover my payments?
Yes, if you select a 5 to 9-year period certain option, you may rollover your SERP payments to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA, 403(b), or any other qualified account.
Is there a limit to how much I can rollover?
If you select a 5 to 9-year period certain option, you may rollover anywhere between 0% to 100% if you are under the age of 73. Per IRS rules, rollovers are not permitted after the age of 73. All SERP payment for those after age 73 must be taken as income in the year in which it is received.
May I split my payments between rollover and income?
Yes, you can divide your monthly benefit between income and rollover for a period of 5 to 9 years. You can choose any percentage for this split and adjust the rollover percentage until you reach age 73.
When do my SERP payments begin?
August 1, 2025, regardless of your retirement date.
Will adding a beneficiary affect my SERP payment amount?
No, if you pass away prior to the guaranteed period, payments will be made to the elected beneficiary (or beneficiaries) for the remaining guaranteed period of the annuity.
May I change my beneficiary?
Yes, you may change your beneficiary up to two times per year.
Eligibility and Enrollment
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Do I have to retire by a specific date?
Yes, to participate in the SERP, you must retire or resign between the last day of your assigned calendar and June 30, 2025.
How do I apply for the SERP?
Applications are accepted electronically via DocuSign. Individuals who sign up for a counseling meeting with Keenan will be sent a DocuSign application to review and/or complete.
Do I need to complete the DocuSign packet prior to my counseling session?
No, packets are to be completed only if you would like to participate in the SERP. It is recommended that you wait to meet with your counselor before you complete your application.
When will the SERP packet be emailed?
January 3, 2025, or at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time if you scheduled an appointment after this date.
What are the eligibility requirements for the SERP?
- Employee must be a Certificated (Management or Non-Management), Classified (Management or Non-Management), Supervisory or Confidential employee of the San Francisco Unified School District in a permanent position.
- Employee must be in a paid and active status with the District as of the last day of their assigned calendar.
- Employee must be at least 55 years of age with 5 years of consecutive service with the District by June 30, 2025.
- Employee must retire or resign from the District on or before June 30, 2025.
- Employee must submit a completed SERP Enrollment Package, a Letter of Resignation, and an Irrevocable Letter of SERP Participation via DocuSign no later than February 21, 2025.
Does the 5 years of consecutive service have to be right up to June 2025 to meet the SERP offer?
The requirement is 5 years of full-time continuous service. Specific cases, such as breaks in service, should be verified with District HR.
What if I have more than 5 years of consecutive service but had a break in service in within the last 5 years?
If an employee never received the pre-qualification email from Keenan, HR will have to confirm their eligibility for the SERP and perform a separate evaluation of their break in service. Specific questions about eligibility are being collected in this form.
Do paraeducators qualify for the SERP?
Yes, permanent paraeducators qualify for the SERP, provided they meet the other eligibility requirements.
Do I qualify for the SERP if my FTE is below 1?
Yes, if you are a permanent employee of SFUSD, provided you meet the other eligibility requirements.
Can I take the SERP if I am on sabbatical/was on sabbatical?
An employee who participated in, or is currently on sabbatical leave, must fulfill their return service commitment or default on their bond. It will be considered independently from the SERP.
General Questions
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What is a Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan (SERP)?
A SERP is an incentive to provide eligible employees a monthly income supplement to their regular CalSTRS, SFERS, or CalPERS retirement income. The SERP is a fixed guaranteed 403(b) group annuity.
Does the SERP affect my retirement benefit?
No, the annuity from the SERP is in addition to the pension benefits from CalSTRS/SFERS.
Do I have to retire from CalSTRS or SFERS to receive the SERP benefit?
Typically, no. However, it is recommended to check with your district and CalSTRS/SFERS to see how it may affect your pension and/or retiree medical benefits.
Is there a minimum or maximum level of participation needed?
There is no minimum number of participants required for the SERP to be approve. The approval of the plan is based on the results of a final cost analysis of the final retiring population. Keenan will deliver a financial analysis to the District on or by March 5, 2025.
What if I submit an enrollment packet and the SERP is not implemented? Do I still have to retire?
No, you may rescind your resignation if the SERP is not implemented.
How do I know when the last day of my assigned calendar is?
The last day of one’s assigned calendar will vary among different employes. You can login to the employee website and navigate to the calendar to confirm the last day of the assigned calendar for your specific position. You may also reach out to HR.
May I retire sooner than June 30, 2025?
You must complete the assigned calendar year based on your position to be eligible for the SERP. You can login to the employee website and navigate to the calendar to confirm the last day of the assigned calendar for your specific position. You may retire or resign any time between the last day of your assigned calendar and June 30, 2025.
May I return to work if I retire?
SFERS and CalSTRS may have a waiting period and/or restrictions on returning to a SFERS or CalSTRS position after you have retired. Please contact them directly to confirm. SFERS 415-487-7000 or CalSTRS 800-228-5453
When will the district decide to move forward with the SERP?
A decision will be made after the board meeting on March 11, 2025. The District will communicate the approval decision shortly thereafter.
HR and Benefits
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How does this offering relate to retiree health benefits eligibility?
This offering is separate from your retiree health benefits eligibility. Your eligibility for retiree health benefits depends on meeting specific requirements outlined in your contract (if you are represented) and is not impacted by your choice to participate in the SERP. To be eligible to enroll in retiree health benefits you must retire from both SFUSD and your pension system (CalSTRS/SFERS).
If I am short a certain number of years, can I buy years of service so that I can take the SERP and be eligible for retiree health benefits?
No. You cannot purchase years of service to be eligible for retiree health benefits. Eligibility is determined by other factors such as age, years of service, classification, bargaining unit and active employee status at the time of retirement.
Do I need to notify HR if I participate in the SERP?
If you submit your DocuSign SERP participation packet, that information will be submitted to HR. No action will be needed from you until the SERP moves forward or is rescinded. If the SERP moves forward in March, your DocuSign packet counts as your official notice of separation to the district.
The timeline for the resignation or retirement incentive is earlier than the announcement of the SERP.
The recommitment process and the early resignation/retirement incentive will run separately from the SERP. Employees who will be participating in the SERP will not be eligible to receive the resignation/retirement incentives in February and March. If the SERP does not move forward, those who submitted their resignation/retirement requests within the annual incentive window (Jan - March) will receive their District resignation/retirement incentive (varies by bargaining unit and classification).
What should I do if I have questions about my health benefit eligibility?
- For certificated retirees considering the SERP, HR recommends that you participate in INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING sessions with CalSTRS (pension) and a District Benefits team member (retiree health benefits). You can visit to schedule an appointment, attend retirement webinars and access a retirement income calculator. You may also schedule health benefits consultations with HR by visiting
- For Paraeducators considering the SERP, HR recommends scheduling a meeting with the Social Security Administration to discuss the retirement process. You can do this by visiting your local SSA office. Visit to find an office near you. You should also meet with a District Benefits team member (retiree health benefits). You may also schedule a health benefits consultation with HR by visiting
If you are a Classified Civil Service employee considering the SERP, HR recommends to obtain information regarding retiree health benefits and pension eligibility, you must contact the following agencies:
San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS) – Pension Benefits
Office Hours:
Walk-in service and appointments: Tuesday & Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
By appointment only: Thursday (for members retiring within three months)
Location: 1145 Market Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
Website: mySFERS
Retirement Webinars: View Schedule
Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible parking is available at Civic Center Plaza.
Nearby MUNI lines: Market Street at Civic Center/UN Plaza and Market at 8th Streets
Closest BART station: Civic Center Station
San Francisco Health Service System (SFHSS) – Retiree Health Benefits
Location: 1145 Market Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (628) 652-4700 | Fax: (628) 652-4701
SFUSD Members: Press option 1 for benefits questions, then option 3 for dedicated SFUSD support.
Telephone Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Walk-In Service Hours (Doors Close at 1:00 p.m.):
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
For more information on retiree health benefits, please visit: SFHSS Retiree Health Planning.
Can I receive health benefits during the period between taking the SERP annuity and retiring?
If you are not eligible for retiree health benefits, you can discuss options at your individual counseling session or shop the marketplace.
How do I confirm that I will continue to receive health benefits after retiring?
After you retire, HR will send you confirmation of your eligibility for retiree health benefits. You can also review your health benefits package during your retirement planning meetings with HR to ensure that all necessary steps have been taken.
Education and Resources
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What do I do if I missed a group education meeting?
The group education meetings have been recorded and available on for you to review. Also, you can schedule a meeting to meet individually with a SERP counselor at
How do I schedule an individual counseling session with a SERP counselor?
You may schedule an appointment at or call Keenan at 800-444-9995, ext. 3671.
I attended the group education meeting virtually. How do I obtain a handout that was passed out?
The announcement letter, presentation slides, handouts, and group meeting recordings are available on
How do I receive a SERP enrollment packet and personalized benefit sheet?
To receive an enrollment packet, schedule an individual counseling session with Keenan. Your enrollment packet and estimated benefit sheet with your salary-specific monthly payment estimates will be emailed to you the day prior to your individual counseling session. Your counselor will also have a copy of your estimated benefit sheet available for you at your individual counseling meeting. All enrollment packets must be completed and submitted through DocuSign by February 21, 2025.
I attended a group education meeting what do I do next?
Making a retirement decision involves coordinating various agencies and retirement accounts. The SERP is separate from and in addition to your other retirement vehicles. It does not affect these other vehicles and has different eligibility, timing, and administrative rules. It is best to meet individually with each significant entity that will provide you with benefits during your retirement. This will help you gather a comprehensive understanding of your retirement finances and benefits. Below is a list of common retirement agencies you should consider contacting. Everyone’s retirement accounts and finances are different, so it is up to you to coordinate with the entities most relevant to you.
- SERP - Schedule an appointment at to meet with an individual counselor and receive you personalized benefit sheet and enrollment packet
- Keenan Customer Service – Please direct any SERP related questions to Keenan by calling 800-444-9995 x3671 or emailing
- CalSTRS – Schedule an individual appointment with a CalSTRS counselor by calling 800-228-5453 or visit
- SFERS - You may attend a SFERS webinar or schedule a retirement consultation with a SFERS representative by visiting
- CalPERS - Schedule an individual appointment with a CalPERS counselor by calling 888-CalPERS (or 888-225-7377) or visit
- Retiree Medical Benefits – You may schedule an appointment to consult with a District Benefits team member by visiting
- Social Security and Medicare - If you are eligible for monthly income payments or Medicare benefits, you can contact Social Security at 800-772-1213.
This page was last updated on February 14, 2025