Dance in Our Schools Link to this section
Education in the art of dance engages the artistic processes of creating, performing, and critical analysis. These processes require students to read symbol systems, use critical thinking skills, excel in nonverbal reasoning and communication, exchange ideas, work cooperatively and collaboratively with others, and interact within a multicultural society. More comprehensively, education in the art of dance develops kinesthetic and spatial learning as well as intra- and interpersonal knowledge of self and others. SFUSD has dance classes and programs at many of its schools, see the Offerings section below.
The California dance standards are designed to enable students to achieve dance literacy. To be literate in the artistic discipline of dance, students need to develop specific knowledge, skills, and values that allow for fluency and deep understanding. This means discovering the expressive elements of dance; knowing the dance-based theory, terminology, and symbolic language that is used to comprehend dance; having a clear sense of embodying dance; and being able to reflect, critique, and connect personal experience to dance and the dance community.
SFUSD Dance Offerings
Link to this section
This section includes dance classes and programs offered in 2020-21.
PreK Dance
SF Ballet Residency in six schools serving 22 classrooms:
- Bret Harte
- Drew
- McLaren
- Rosa Parks
- Cobb
- Havard
- Bryant
Lines Ballet
Elementary Dance
Dance Teachers provided by the Arts Department serve in the following schools:
Bessie Carmichael
Bret Harte
Dr. George Washington Carver
Cesar Chavez
El Dorado
Glen Park
Gordon J. Lau
Harvey Milk
Junipero Serra
John Yehall Chin
Paul Revere
George Peabody
Redding (TK)
SF Community
Middle School Dance
Charmichael (Bessie) K8
- Taiko (Japanese drumming/dance)
King Jr (Dr Martin L) MS
- Dance - MS
Lick (James) MS
- Dance - MS
Presidio MS
- Dance Beginning
- Dance Intermediate
Revere (Paul) K8
- Taiko (Japanese drumming/dance)
High School Dance
Asawa (Ruth) SOTA HS
- Dance 1
- Dance 2
- Dance 3
- World Dance 1
- World Dance 2
Independence HS
- Dance 2
- Dance 3
Lincoln (Abraham) HS
- Dance 1
- Dance 2
Lowell HS
- Dance 1
- Dance 2
- Dance 3
- Dance Prod A
Mission HS
- Dance 1
Washington (George) HS
- Dance 1
- Dance 2
- Dance 3
This page was last updated on April 25, 2022