Gr 5 Report Card Family Guide



SFUSD’s vision for learning calls for mastery of the core knowledge, critical thinking skills, and competencies outlined by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Standards-based knowledge and skills will remain the central pillars of every student’s learning, creating a deep foundation that enables further inquiry and exploration in a variety of fields and areas of interest. The SFUSD Report Cards are intended to communicate progress towards mastery of these skills and standards. 

All SFUSD students in grades TK-5 receive marks in the following areas: Social-Emotional Development, Language Arts, Mathematics, History/Social Studies, Science, Physical Education and Visual and Performing Arts. Students who are in Language Pathway Programs or are English Learners receive additional marks indicating their progress in learning English and/or the Pathway Language.

Students receive marks that show progress towards end-of-year expectations. Mastery of end-of-year expectations is indicated with a score of 3 or higher. Instead of letter grades, students receive marks that describe proficiency levels. All students receive proficiency level indicators for the standards at their grade level. 

Conferencing with your Child’s Teacher

Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conferences are an important opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. Here are some tips and suggestions.

Before the conference…

  • Make sure you have a scheduled conference time. If you need to cancel the scheduled time, contact the teacher to schedule a different time.
  • Review your child’s work.
  • Talk with your child about his or her progress in school.
  • Think about your child’s strengths and challenges beforehand. 
  • Make a list of questions about your child’s development and ways you and the teacher can help your child with some of his or her challenges. Examples: Is my child at the level where he/she should be at this point of the school year? In what areas is my child excelling? How is their attendance? What can I do to help my child with upcoming work?
  • Think about ways you would like to be involved in your child’s learning, so you can discuss them with the teacher.

At the conference…

  • Be prepared for a two-way conversation to learn about your child’s social and emotional and academic progress at school. This is also an opportunity for the teacher to learn about what your child is like at home. When you tell the teacher about your child’s skills, interests, needs, and dreams, the teacher can help your child more.
  • Ask to see data about your child’s attendance and progress at school.
  • Make a goal and a plan with your child's teacher to ensure your child's success.
  • Write down the things you and the teacher will do to support your child. 
  • Schedule another time to talk if you need to continue the conversation past the allotted amount of time. 
  • Ask your child's teacher how best to communicate with them.

 After the conference…

  • Talk with your child about what you learned.
  • Follow up with the teacher about your child’s development and the plan that was created during the conference

Social Emotional Development

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This page was last updated on September 9, 2024