The SFUSD Summer 2025 Interest Form Is Now Closed Link to this section
The Summer 2025 Interest Form is now closed.
While we will make every effort to place students in programs in which they have expressed interest, due to limited numbers of placements in highly impacted and highly sought after industries, not all students will receive an offer.
For this reason, we encourage youth to look into other opportunities with partners such as Opportunities for All through the Mayor's Office, Human Rights Commission, and JCYC, or Enterprise for Youth.
You can check out DCYF's Summer Opportunities page, or Our 415 sites to check out summer programs and services for families. You can also locate information about opportunities for those K-8 here, or check out the Rec & Park Day Camp Catalog.
The College and Career Opportunities page includes links to other summer and school year programs, outside of SFUSD, organized by industry sector.
What Happens After Completing the Summer 2025 Interest Form? Link to this section
After you submit a completed Summer 2025 Interest Form...
- If chosen, someone from the SFUSD Internship, Work Based Learning, or Early College team will reach out to you by email, prior to Spring Break 2025. If you do not hear back from College & Career Programs by Spring Break, you should look for other opportunities outside of SFUSD.
- In the invitation email, you will be invited to a mandatory two-part SFUSD Hiring & CCSF Application Session, which will be held in January, February, March and/or April. At these help sessions, you will receive support to apply to CCSF and complete the hiring process.
- At the CCSF application sessions, you will complete the CCSF Application; if you have applied to CCSF before, please track down your CCSF ID (starts with a "W" or a "@"). If you have never applied before, you will need to have a non-SFUSD personal email address.
For Hourly Paid Internships Only:
- Once you have been assigned a hiring session, you will need to obtain the necessary items if you have them (including a signed Social Security Card or Valid US Passport + Social Security Number). If you do not have a Social Security Number, we will provide other instructions.
- You are encouraged to open up a Bank Account (if you don't already have one), as we suggest Direct Deposit vs. being mailed your check.
- Once you have completed all of the Summer Internship Enrollment Steps, you will be offered a final internship placement and work schedule.
- If you do not come to the hiring session, or do not come prepared with your documentation, you may be moved to the next round of placements, if any, that will be offered on a space available basis. If there are no further hiring sessions available, you may lose your opportunity to participate this summer.
This page was last updated on March 18, 2025