World Language Council

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World Language Council (WLC)

One of the key tenets of SFUSD’s Vision 2025 and the Graduate Profile is “Cultural Competence and Multilingualism, the notion that an SFUSD education will foster students who will be globally aware, multilingual, and culturally competent." In 2018, Commissioner Murase and the SFUSD Board of Education established the World Languages Council (WLC) to support this vision and take advantage of the rich cultural and linguistically diverse resources in the city of San Francisco. The resolution of the board states that the work of the WLC is organized and supported by Multilingual Pathways.

The WLC is advisory in nature, and as such makes suggestions on communications and policies related to language programs supported by Multilingual Pathways. 

Serve on the WLC

The membership of the World Language Council includes representation in three distinct areas: languages, types of programming, and experience with language programming. 

Language programs recruited to participate in the council are intended to represent the diversity of languages taught within SFUSD, which include Arabic, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.  

In keeping with Board Policy 1220, Citizen Advisory Committees, the council shall be composed of no more than 11 members. Seats on the Council are be apportioned in the following manner:

  • 4-5 seats to represent pre-K and elementary DLI, Biliteracy, and FLES programs

  • 2-3 seats to represent middle school dual language immersion and world language programs

  • 2-3 seats to represent high school world language programs

 Multilingual Pathways staff will make recommendations to the Board of Education about members for approval by the Board of Education for 2-year terms. World Language Council meetings shall be open to the public.


The WLC will meet at least twice per year, once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester. Meeting locations may vary, so please consult this website for the most up-to-date information. The WLC shall report on its activity’s findings and recommendations to the full Board of Education annually.

WLC Resolution

Resolution No. 189-25A2(link is external)

WLC Bylaws

English(link is external)

WLC Agendas

12/5/19 (link is external)

3/16/20--postponed according to guidance provided by the San Francisco Department of Health

WLC Minutes

12/5/19--to be approved by WLC


This page was last updated on February 17, 2022