AAPAC Events and Recordings

AAPAC Annual Board of Education Presentation Link to this section

Black Resilience and Accountability (10/26/21)

Past Recorded AAPAC Meetings
Link to this section

May 20: Looking Ahead While Appreciating The Present

This month we will offer important updates on the proposed bell schedule changes that will take effect next school year, briefly offer information on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and finally, we will CELEBRATE!

Watch this meeting's recording on AAPAC's Facebook Page!(link is external)

March 18th: What's The Plan: Safe Return to In-Person Learning and SFUSD Budget Updates

Do you have questions about the return to in person learning?

Do you want to know: What group of students are returning next month? What safety protocols are being put into place? What will happen if you choose not to send your child back? What your options and rights are?

Do you have questions about the budget and how it will support our children next school year?

If so, join us for an evening with Deputy Superintendent Enikia Ford-Morthel, Executive Director of SFUSD Budget Services Anne Marie Gordon, and other District leaders to get your questions answered.

Watch this meeting's recording on AAPAC's Facebook Page!(link is external)

January 21st: Return to in Person Learning

This month we will be joined by Superintendent, Dr. Vincent Matthews and Chief of SFUSD's School Family and Community Support Division, Mele Lau-Smith, to discuss the reopening of schools (or return to in-person learning). We are hoping to create a safe and open space for families of Black children to ask questions and/or share concerns, ideas, celebrations or hesitations directly with school district staff.

Watch this meeting's recording on AAPAC's Facebook Page(link is external)

December 17th: Celebrating Black Excellence 365(6) Days Per Year

Annual celebration of Black Excellence with the African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC)!

Watch the meeting's recording on AAPAC's Facebook Page!(link is external)

November 19th: CAC AAPAC Joint Meeting - Disproportionality

In partnership with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education, AAPAC hosted over 100 participants for our annual collaboration meeting. Our topic this year was Understanding Disproportionality: Continuing the Conversation. Together we unpacked the root causes for why Black Children are being disproportionality designated for Special Education and suspensions and what we as families can do about it.

For more information on what was discussed, please review the recording here.(link is external)

October 27th: Student Assignment Community Meeting Watch Party and Debrief

AAPAC joined families across the district for a Student Assignment Community Meeting Watch party and AAPAC Debrief on Tuesday, October 27th. We hosted over 56 participants and were able to gather and compile questions, concerns and suggestions that will be made to SFUSD regarding the proposed changes to the Student Assignment Policy.

For more information on what was discussed, please review the recording(link is external). Enter the password: Nh9#38M*

September 17th: Humanizing The Black Experience in SFUSD

On September 17th we hosted 85 participants via our Virtual meeting titled “Humanizing The Black Experience in SFUSD” with SFUSD Family Resource Specialist and Life Coach, Ashley Blanco, as our guest presenter.

Check out the slide presentation(link is external). Unfortunately, we had difficulties with our recording.

August 20th: Welcome Back Celebration with Essential Info for Black Families

Join us for our first official General Body AAPAC meeting of the 2020-2021 school year. Our invited guests include SFUSD Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews,  SFUSD Deputy Superintendent of Instruction Enikia Ford-Morthel, and a host of SFUSD Leaders all available to share information about the start of school, and respond to questions and concerns that you may have.

Recording of Zoom Meeting(link is external)

August 12th: AAPAC Hosted Virtual Town Hall: SFPD, Black Families, and Next Steps

AAPAC will be hosting a virtual town hall to better understand the decisions of policy makers and to hear the ideas and concerns of Black Families. We have an amazing panel of diverse leaders and stakeholders lined up and will open the discussion up for participant questions and ideas. If you have questions that you would like us to consider for the panelists, please email us at aapac@sfusd.edu.

Flyer(link is external)

Attached are the link to the mentioned legislative efforts, organizations and press releases.


June 18th: Understanding Significant Disproportionality

May 14th: COVID-19, Budget, and More

This page was last updated on February 17, 2022