High School Task Force

The San Francisco Board of Education passed Resolution No. 225-24Sp1-Amended(link is external) in June 2022, creating the High School Task Force and charging it to:

  • Gather input from the community on what it needs and wants from the District’s high schools
  • Understand and summarize the current portfolio of the District’s high schools in terms of offerings and student outcomes
  • Provide recommendations to the Superintendent on ways to improve policies, practices, and programs for better student outcomes
  • Examine admissions policies for both selective admissions and comprehensive high schools

The Task Force is charged with sharing recommendations related to high school admissions by April of 2023 and recommendations related to the high school portfolio within one year of convening.

Meeting Schedule Link to this section

Unless otherwise noted, meetings from February 2, 2023 onward will be held at Independence High School, 1350 7th Ave. from 5:30-7:30pm.

The Task Force is scheduled to meet on the following dates:

Date Key Topics Agenda Key Materials Summary 
11/3/2022 Organizing the Task Force and Reviewing an Initial Work Plan

Agenda 11/3/22(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 1 Presentation(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 1 Summary(link is external)

12/1/2022 Review research, policy and practice on career and college readiness; Plan for community conversations Agenda 12/1/22(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 2 Presentation(link is external)

HSTF College and Career Ready Linda Darling Hammond(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 2 Summary(link is external)
1/19/2023 Review research, policy and practice on recruitment and access

Agenda 1/19/23(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 3 Presentation(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 3 Summary(link is external)
2/2/2023 Review research, policy and practice on teaching and learning; Develop recommendations on recruitment and access Agenda 2/2/23(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 4 Presentation(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 4 Summary(link is external)
3/2/2023 Review research, policy and practice on student supports; Develop recommendations on recruitment and access Agenda 3/2/23(link is external) HSTF Meeting 5 Presentation(link is external) HSTF Meeting 5 Summary(link is external)
3/11/2023 Day-long session with high school teams to review lessons learned from Looking at Student Journeys process Agenda 3/11/23(link is external) HSTF Meeting 6 Presentation(link is external) HSTF Meeting 6 Summary(link is external)
4/20/2023 Develop recommendations in all areas Agenda 4/20/23(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 7 Presentation(link is external)

Student Supports Video link(link is external)

HSTF Meeting 7 Summary(link is external)
5/4/2023 Develop recommendations in all areas Agenda 5/4/23(link is external) HSTF Meeting 8 Presentation(link is external) HSTF Meeting 8 Summary(link is external)
6/8/2023 Develop recommendations in all areas Agenda 6/8/23(link is external) HSTF Meeting 9 Presentation(link is external) HSTF Meeting 9 Summary(link is external)
8/3/23 Virtual learning session 1: College & Career Advising Agenda 8/3/23(link is external) HSTF Presentation 8/3/23(link is external) HSTF Summary 8/3/23(link is external)
8/10/23 Virtual learning session 2: Deeper Learning Agenda 8/10/23(link is external) HSTF Presentation 8/10/23(link is external) HSFT Summary 8/10/23(link is external)
8/17/23 Virtual learning session 3: Pathways Agenda 8/17/23(link is external) HSTF Presentation 8/17/23(link is external) HSTF Summary 8/17/23(link is external)
8/24/23 Virtual learning session 4: Selectivity Agenda 8/24/23(link is external) HSTF Presentation 8/24/23(link is external) HSTF Summary 8/24/23(link is external)
9/9/23 (9am to 3pm) – Review, develop and agree on recommendations in all key areas Agenda 9/9/23(link is external) HSTF Meeting 10 Presentation(link is external) HSTF Meeting 10 Summary(link is external)
9/28/23 Finalize recommendations, including responding to community feedback Agenda 9/28/23(link is external)   HSTF Meeting 11 Summary(link is external)

Regular meetings are intended as working sessions for the Task Force. Regular meetings are open for the public to observe. The Task Force will host additional community conversations focused on gathering public input. Please see the schedule below.

Community Listening Sessions Link to this section

Date Topic Agenda
2/4/23 Community Listening Session at Presidio Middle School Agenda- Presidio MS- 2/4/23(link is external)
2/11/23 Community Listening Session at Visitacion Valley Middle School Agenda- Visitacion Valley MS- 2/11/23(link is external)

Community Listening Session at Everett Middle School

Agenda- Everett MS- 2/25/23(link is external)
3/15/23 Virtual Community Listening Session HS Task Force Virtual Community Listening Session Flyer(link is external)
8/28/23 Virtual Community Listening Session

Flyer- HSTF Community Listening Sessions- August(link is external)

8/31/23 Virtual Community Listening Session

Flyer- HSTF Community Listening Sessions- August(link is external)

High School Task Force Materials Link to this section

The High School Task Force materials folder is intended as a place for Task Force members and facilitators to share materials with other members and with the public.

High School Task Force Materials Folder(link is external)

High School Task Force Membership Overview Link to this section

The Task Force includes 22 people from across San Francisco:

  • 5 students, including nominations from the Student Advisory Council and the SF Youth Commission
  • 7 educators, including nominations from United Educators of San Francisco and United Administrators of San Francisco
  • 5 parents/caregivers to SFUSD students, including nominations from parent involvement and advocacy organizations (plus four other members who are SFUSD parents in addition to being selected as educators or community leaders)
  • 5 other community leaders representing critical sectors of our civic life

In inviting these individuals to serve as members of the Task Force, Superintendent Wayne asked them to come to the work with an open mind and with their best ideas for creating the strongest possible portfolio of public high schools for San Francisco. The Task Force operates independently and is supported by outside facilitators on contract with SFUSD.

HS Task Force Membership Selection and FAQs(link is external)


High School Task Force Members Roster
Link to this section

Name Role Bio
Aisha Majdoub Student Tenth grade student at Galileo High School
Ambar Panjabi Staff Assistant Principal at Galileo Academy and parent at Miraloma Elementary
Anastasia Klafter Staff Principal at Independence HS and parent to SFUSD 8th grader (Presidio) and 5th grader (Rosa Parks)
Don Woodson Community Leader Director of the UCSF at the Center for Science, Education and Outreach
Erik Rice Staff Director of the Mission Bay Hub. Parent of a 9th grader and 12th grader, both at Ruth Asawa SoTA
Hollie Mack Staff Principal at The Academy SF at McAteer
Julianna Mululu Staff Science Lead Teacher at John O'Connell High School, teaching 10th, 11th, & 12th graders in Biology and Biotechnology
Karen Chow Parent/Caregiver Parent of 7th grader at Presidio Middle School and English Department Chair at De Anza College
Kerry Sanchez Staff Resource Specialist Teacher at Mission High School, working mostly with 9th and 10th grade students
Langston Montgomery Student Ninth grade student at George Washington High School
Laticia Erving Staff Director of the SFUSD African American Achievement & Leadership Initiative
Luz Huallanca Parent/Caregiver Parent of a sixth grader at Denman Middle School and Administrator in the hospitality field
Martin Rawlings-Fein Parent/Caregiver Parent of a 12th grader at Balboa High School and a 6th grader at Hoover Middle School, and Educational Tech Specialist in the UCSF Department of Radiology &
Biomedical Imaging
Melissa Yan Student 11th grade student at Lincoln High School
Nikko Sales Student Student at Downtown High School
Orlando Leon Parent/Caregiver Parent of a student at Hoover Middle School and Chief Information Officer at the East Bay Municipal Utility District
Phillip Shinn Community Leader Vice President of the Lowell Alumni Association and Attorney, LimNexus LLP
Rionda Batiste Parent/Caregiver Parent Leader for African American Parent Advisory Council and mother of a 12th grader at George Washington High School
Sarah Wan Community Leader Executive Director of Community Youth Center of San Francisco
Sheryl Davis Community Leader Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission
Thiarlie Noel Teves Student 10th grade student at Lowell High School
Vanessa Marrero Community Leader Executive Director of Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco

This page was last updated on January 14, 2024