District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)

District English Learners Advisory Committee Link to this section

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a committee established in California public school districts with 51 or more Multilingual learners (ML). Its purpose is to advise the Board of Education on matters related to English language development programs and services for Multilingual learners. DELAC  includes representatives from school site English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC) and serves as a forum for parents and guardians of Multilingual learners to express their perspectives and offer input on the Multilingual learner programs and services provided by the district.

*Note: "Multilingual Learner (ML)" is a new descriptor used interchangeable with "English learner (EL)" that affirms students’ home languages.

DELAC Calendar

Board Meetings are for elected DELAC Representatives to the DELAC Board. General Meetings are OPEN to DELAC Representatives and PUBLIC. Spanish and Chinese interpretation available at all DELAC meetings. For in-person meetings, childcare and refreshments are provided. Click the +GoogleCalendar link (bottom right) to add the DELAC calendar to your list of Google Calendar options.

DELAC Meetings & Events

This page was last updated on March 7, 2025