Important AAPAC Family Resources

Important Resources and Contact Information
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The African American Parent Advisory Council SF (AAPAC)

Laticia Erving, Program Manager

Phone: (415) 241-6121 x1320

Email: sends email)


African American Achievement and Leadership Initiative (AAALI)

AAALI's purpose is to promote the success of African American students and families by supporting academic and social-emotional learning, elevate effective practices and strategies, and cultivate leaders in the work of deconstructing systemic barriers to African American achievement.

Phone: (415) 241-6121


Email: sends email)

Office of Family Voice (OFV)

OFV helps you voice concerns about your children's education in SFUSD’s schools while helping to resolve conflicts follow up until a satisfactory solution for all is found. 

Ramon Martinez, Manager

Phone: (415) 793-3298

Email: sends email)

Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC)

The purpose of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education is to champion effective special education programs and services and advise the Board of Education on priorities in the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).

Email: sends email)

Ombudsman for Special Education

If you have a concern related specifically to Special Education services provided to your student, please contact Julia Martin.

Phone: (415) 447-7802

Email: sends email)

Student, Family & Community Support Division (SFCSD)

Programs under this department are: School Health Programs, Office of Pupil Services, Community Schools and Family Partnerships, ExCel Afterschool Programs, Post-Secondary Success and Athletics.

Phone: (415) 242-2615

Website: is external)

SF Alliance of Black School Educators (SFABSE)

SFBASE is an organization that aims to improve the quality of educational experience and accomplishments of African American students, parents/guardians and education professionals.

Website: SFABSE Facebook(link is external)

Community Resources
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AAPAC encourages you to stay connected to community resources as well. Please visit the websites listed below for more information on activities and opportunities throughout San Francisco.

The Howard Group Inc.

The Howard Group Inc(link is external): An equity focused education consulting group that provides professional development to K-12 schools around equity and improving educational experiences and outcomes for all students. This summer they held the THG Speaker Series: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Anti-Blackness In The Middle Of A Pandemic. Check out these recorded conversations calling out race, equity and education via THG YouTube page.(link is external)

District 10 Community Information

District 10 Community Information(link is external)District 10 Supervisor Shamann Walton issues an monthly newsletter with helpful information for all of San Francisco. This month’s edition includes COVID-19 resources, important legislation passed by the Board of Supervisors, the Framework for Investment in the Black Community(link is external) and more.


Mo’Magic(link is external): Mo’ MAGIC is a collaborative, San Francisco neighborhood-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to transform the community and youth through the MAGIC of collaboration.


B’Magic(link is external): (BMAGIC) is a network San Francisco neighborhood-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to facilitate, coordinate and develop community resources and opportunities that support service providers and community members in Bayview Hunters Point (BVHP).


RafikiCoalition(link is external): Rafiki's goal is to improve people’s lives by reversing the history of health inequalities that affect the Black community and other under-served groups in San Francisco. We provide a safe, supportive environment where people can find a path to wellness by understanding their health issues, becoming more physically active and eating a healthy diet.

Coleman Advocates

Coleman Advocates(link is external): Coleman currently focuses on building more effective, equitable, and supportive public schools in San Francisco and beyond. Their primary focus is fighting to advance rights, safety, and full inclusion of low-income people of color. 

The YMCA of San Francisco

The YMCA of San Francisco(link is external): Our neighboring YMCAs offer a variety of resources and opportunities that are free or low cost to the community. 

SF Beacon Initiative

SF Beacon Initiative(link is external): Grounded in the community schools model/framework, Beacon Centers are committed to a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative approach that creates pathways to lifelong learning and transformative experiences for youth and the adults who support them through advocacy, leadership, networking and program support.

Parents for Public Schools SF

Parents for Public Schools SF:(link is external) Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco is a nonprofit organization that helps families to navigate SFUSD enrollment, to understand education policy and decision-making, and to become empowered, engaged members of their school communities. We believe that strong San Francisco public schools create a strong city for all of us.

This page was last updated on April 20, 2022