Earning Increment Salary Credit through Continuing Education
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As of December 2024, guidance around submitting proof of continuing education has been revised in partnership with the Professional Learning team. Eligible UESF-represented employees may earn credits that can be applied to their salary classification. Pursuant to Article to, the following may be credited as professional learning:

  • In-Person Professional Learning - Offered by Central Office Departments or External PD providers that are NOT paid for by SFUSD
  • Online/Blended Professional Learning - Asynchronous learning modules or webinars where proof of participation (indicating the number of hours and dates) can be submitted

Pre-approval is required before receiving credit. Please refer to the process below. If you have questions, you can reach the professional learning team through this form: PL Credit Hours Submission Form(link is external)

Step 1: Receive pre-approval

Meet with an advisor (this may be a coach, administrator, or supervisor) to set professional learning goals and plan the professional learning opportunities in which you will engage. If you are working towards applying your professional learning units towards your continuing education units (CEUs) , please 1) fill out SFUSD Annual Professional Learning Plan and Activities Record(link is external) with signature from advisor, then please upload your professional learning plan for pre-approval(link is external). These hours will be reviewed by a member of the Professional Learning and Coaching Team and are subject to approval. You will be notified by the team of approval of activies. Items such as reading a book or magazine on your own or participating in a club or PD that is not relevant to education will not be approved.

Step 2: Document professional learning activities

Once you have received an approval from PGD, continue to use SFUSD Annual Professional Learning Plan and Activities Record(link is external) to document your activities. Set a schedule within which you expect your coach, program administrator, or direct supervisor to sign off on the activities.

Step 3: Submit proof of completion

4. Once you complete your hours, submit your completed approval log via this form: PL Credit Hours Submission Form(link is external). Reminder:

  • Activities completed before meeting and planning with an advisor are not eligible for Professional Learning credits.
  • Educators cannot claim participation in the same activity more than once (i.e. log hours as a teacher presenting in a PD and as a participant).
  • Hours must be outside of your contract day, and you may not also receive payment such as 18 hours, Extended hours or stipends.

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This page was last updated on November 26, 2024