School Announcements
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More about this school
School Type
Elementary School (TK, K, 1-5) -
Estimated Enrollment
435 -
- Rosa A. Fong
HoursMo - Tu: 7:50 am-2:05 pmWe: 7:50 am-12:50 pmTh - Fr: 7:50 am-2:05 pm -
School Tour
在以下日期的逢星期五,上午9:00至10:00,在學校禮堂集合。 9月21日、28日 10月12日、19日 11月2日、16日、30日 12月14日 欲知詳情,請瀏覽Alamo學校參觀資訊網頁。
Sign up for a school tour at
Uniforms Policy
不需要校服,但需遵從校區的衣著及儀容標準。 -
This School Feeds Into
Richmond -
School Bus
94121 -
School Meals
Breakfast, LunchView menus at
School Code
Before School Programs
上午8:00,Alamo合唱團 上午8:00,俄語計劃:每週兩次(容後公佈) 上午8:00,五年級:數學增修班(春季學期) 上午7:45 至8:15,健康/健身活動 -
After School Programs
列治文區課後計劃(RDASC),Alamo中文學校,俄語課後計劃。 週一至週五:RDASC(列治文區課後協作計劃)、Alamo中文學校(粵語和普通話)、俄羅斯語言課程。增修課程:陶瓷、學術象棋、鍵盤教育、課後體育計劃,Nagata舞蹈、Hip-Hop、西班牙語、運動和體育項目。 -
Special Education Programs
Resource Specialist Program Services
Separate class - Moderate/severe with autism focus
School Day Academic Enrichment
Computer carts
English literacy interventionist
Outdoor education program
Project-based learning
STEAM (science; technology; engineering; arts; mathematics)
Tutoring in school
Arts Enrichment
Instrumental music
Music program
Nagata dance
SF Ballet program
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Teachers
K-5聲樂,4-5年級器樂,K-5陶瓷,K-1 Nagata舞蹈,K-5視覺藝術,3-5混合媒體,三藩市芭蕾舞團。 -
Student Support Programs
Instructional coach
Mental health consultant
Social worker
Speech pathologist
School Data
Application Data
General education entry grade seats per application: 14%-
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are required by state law and are intended to provide families with important information.
School Accountability Highlights
Published annually by SFUSD to provide access to key data points and three-year trends related to student achievement and school culture-climate. The highlights are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report
SFUSD annually surveys families and school staff on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
School communities gather twice a year to review data and previous actions in order to intentionally plan for the coming months. The School Plan for Student Achievement is the template on which this review and stakeholder engagement process is codified.
Contact Info
250 23rd Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94121 -
Phone Number
415-750-8456 -
Fax Number