Math Milestone Tasks


Math Milestone Tasks assess students’ understanding of the CCSS-Math concepts and skills for a particular unit, including their ability to express their thinking and justify their results.

The tasks are designed to address four central questions:

Entry Task: What do you already know?

Apprentice Task: What sense are you making of what you are learning?

Expert Task: How can you apply what you have learned so far to a new situation?

Milestone Task: Did you learn what was expected of you from this unit?

The MMT is the third task in an unit.


Re-engagement is using student work for the purpose of uncovering misconceptions, providing feedback on student thinking, and helping students to go deeper into the mathematics. Students have the opportunity to reflect on their own learning while making connections between mathematical ideas. Analyzing student work to determine next steps is best done with a grade level team. Access SFUSD Math Website Re-engagement page for more information.


Additional Information

These links provide more information and resources to support mathematics teaching, learning, and assessment.

This page was last updated on July 16, 2024