ELPAC Testing 2024-25

General Information:

Initial ELPAC:  Qualified students in k-12, who are enrolled in fall take Initial ELPAC Aug.-Nov. (Phase 1). Those who enroll throughout the year will be assessed in Phase II. More information on Phase II will be presented during the fall test coordinator (TC) meetings.  Each site should have a Testing Coordinator attend the meeting. This person will be authorized to test students and/or train others to do so. 

Initial ELPAC testing yields a result of Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) or English Learner (EL). 

Summative ELPAC: Students classified by the Initial ELPAC as English learners are entitled to English language instruction and must take the Summative ELPAC, annually, during spring semester until they are re-designated as fluent in English (RFEP). ELPAC is administered via a computer-based platform with the exception of the K,1,2 writing parts. Test sections are administered by a combination of site staff (group) and district trained examiners (1:1) depending upon the test grade and section. 

Families can get more information on CAASPP or ELPAC testing at the CDE website.




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This page was last updated on July 17, 2024