Timeline of New Student Assignment Policy

Timeline of New Student Assignment Policy Link to this section

December 2018 The Board of Education passes Resolution 189-25A1 Developing a Community Based Student Assignment System for SFUSD(link is external), which began the process of developing a new student assignment system for elementary schools.
Spring - Winter 2020 The Board engages in a two-year policy development process which included 11 meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee on Student Assignment, 12 community workshops to gather public input, 4 virtual community information sessions, dozens of additional conversations with San Francisco families and community groups (report here(link is external)), case studies from other districts, and policy simulations conducted by Stanford researchers. The process ultimately culminated with a staff recommendation for a zone-based assignment system.
December 2020 The Board adopts a new zone-based elementary school student assignment policy(link is external) that supports SFUSD’s goals of diverse school enrollment, and predictable school assignment within reasonable geographic distance to where families reside.
Fall-Winter 2021 SFUSD staff begins a community engagement process to inform the public of the new policy, ask the public to consult on the elementary school zones, and involve the public throughout this important process. 
Spring-Winter 2022 SFUSD staff work with San Francisco families, City agencies, members of the public, and academic researchers on developing zone maps that meet our policy goals of diversity, proximity, and predictability.
Spring & Fall 2024 The Board presents draft zones for the public to review and provide further feedback.
Spring 2025 The Board adopts the the final recommendations for the elementary school zones.
Fall 2026 The new policy goes into effect for families applying to elementary schools for the first time in the 2026-2027 school year.


This page was last updated on April 10, 2023