Before and After School Programs

List of Before and After School Programs 
Link to this section

Families should apply to the programs listed below after being assigned to their school for the next school year - the applications for these programs are separate from the school enrollment process.

Schools have the most up-to-date information about the programs at their sites. You can also learn more about ExCEL after school programs and find a list of current ExCEL program locations and community-based organizations (CBOs)

Many programs have costs. All schools listed as having Out-of-School Time (OST) programs have the same as price listed in the last drop down menu, "Early Education Schools with OST." Other programs have different costs that may be on a sliding scale based on family income - please check with the program provider for cost information.

Elementary Schools

Mobile users: Please scroll to see the rest of the table. 

School Name

Start Time-End Time
Early Release Day and Time

Before School Program Name and Contact Information

Before School Program Time

After School Program Name and Contact Information

After School Program Time

Alamo K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PMNo but can drop off at 7:30 AM 

1. Richmond Neighborhood Center(link is external)

2. After School Russian Program

3. Starship Chinese

RNC until 6pm, 

After School Russian program until 5:30 

Starship Chinese until 5:30 

Alvarado TK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  

1. Mission Graduates(link is external)

2. SF Park and Rec@ Douglass Park 

2pm-6pm for MG only
Argonne k-5-Extended Year7:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  


  1. The Richmond Neighborhood Center (TRNC)(link is external)
  2. Richmond YMCA(link is external)
  3. Chinese After School Program (CASP)

OFFSITE: There's a bus that transports students.

2:05 pm or 12:50-6pm
Bryant PK-5PK: 7:30 AM-5:45 PM
PK SDC: 7:50 AM-11:50 AM
K-5: 7:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM

1.SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

2.(link is external)Mission Graduates(link is external)

1.OST until 5:30

2.Mission Graduates until 6

Buena Vista Horace Mann K-8K-5 9:30am-3:45pm; 6-8 9:30am-4:00pmJamestown Community Center7am-9:30amJamestown Community Center(link is external)ES 3:45pm-6:45pm (4:00pm-6:45pm MS) *Wednesdays* ES 2:30pm-6:00pm (2:15pm-6:00pm MS)
Carmichael, Bessie PK-8PK: 9:30-3:30
TK-5: 9:30-3:45
6-8: 9:30-4:00
Wednesdays: PK-5: 2:30
Wednesdays 6-8: 2:15
Beacon: Mission Graduates
TBD for 22/23
Beacon: Mission GraduatesBeacon: Mission Graduates(link is external)dismissal-6:00pm
Chavez, Cesar PK-5PK SDC: 8:40 AM-12:40 PM
8:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM
Phoenix Risers7:00-8:40 AM

 1.(link is external)Jamestown (on site)(link is external)

2.Boys and Girls Club(link is external)

3.Mission Girls

Until 6:00 PM
Carver, Dr. George Washington K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  SF Beacon/SF Boys and Girls Club(link is external) 415-445-KIDS
2:55-6:00 pm
Chinese Immersion at De Avila K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PMBYMCA7:00-8:30 AMBYMCA(link is external)2:55-6:00 PM Wed. 1:40-6:00 PM
Chin, John Yehall K-5MTRF -- 9:30am - 3:45pm
W -- 9:30am - 2:30pm
  Chinatown YMCA(link is external)MTRF -- 3:45pm - 6:00pm W -- 2:30pm - 6:00pm
Clarendon K-5M, T, TH, F 7:30am - 9:15
3:45pm - 6:30
W 7:30am - 9:15
2:30 pm- 6:30
Clarendon Childcare Center7:30am to 9:15Clarendon Childcare Ave.(link is external)M,T, TH,F
3:45pm to 6:30
2:30pm to 6:30
Cleveland K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PM  

Mission Graduates(link is external):

Elizabeth Jeronimo sends email)

Gabriela Villanueva sends email)

Cobb, Dr. William L. PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM
PK SDC: 8:40 AM-12:40 PM
The Beacon YMCA7:30 am - 8:20 amThe Beacon YMCA(link is external)2:55 - 6:00 PM
Drew, Dr. Charles PK-5PK: 7:30 AM-5:30 PM
7:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM

Urban Services YMCA(link is external)

(415) 561-0631

Until 6pm
Edwin and Anita Lee Newcomer School K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM;
Wednesday 1:40 PM
  Chinatown YMCA(link is external)2:55pm - 6:00pm Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri
1:40pm - 6:00pm on Wednesdays
El Dorado K-57:50AM-2:05PM MTTHF
7:50AM-12:50PM W
  Real Options for City Kids (R.O.C.K.)(link is external)2:05-6:00 MTTHF
12:50-6:00 W
Feinstein K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  YMCA(link is external), Jacson Linvingston sends email)2:05-6:00pm
Flynn, Leonard R. TK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  

 1. Mission Graduates(link is external) on site

2. Mariposa KIds (link is external)OFF SITE

3. SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

Harte, Bret PK-5PK: 8:45 AM-5:45 PM
8:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM
Beacon Before School Program(link is external) Ms. Afu @ (628) 241-9061 or via email at sends email)Beacon Before School Child Care (starting at 7:00 a.m.) Playworks (starting at 8:00 a.m. from Monday through Friday)Bay Area Community Resources (BACR)(link is external) Ms. Afu @ (628) 241-9061 or via email at sends email)Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - 2:55pm - 6:00pm and Weds - 1:40 - 6:00pm
Huerta, Dolores PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PMMission YMCA sends email)(415) 684-8456.7:00 AMMission YMCA/On-Site(link is external)until 5:45 pm
Garfield K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  

 1.Community Youth Center (CYC)(link is external) (On campus),

2.Salesians(link is external) (off campus) 

3.Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center (link is external)Elementary School Academy (TELHI) (off campus)

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 2:05 pm to 6pm & Wed 12:50 pm to 6pm
Glen Park K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  Big Blue managed by Excel , sends email)2:55-6pm
Grattan PK-5PK: 7:45 AM-5:45 PM
PK SDC: 7:50 AM-11:50 AM
7:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM

1.Grattan After School Program


Guadalupe PK-5PK: 7:30 AM-5:30 PM
PK SDC: 8:40 AM-12:40 PM
8:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM

1.Bay Area Community Resources BACR(link is external) Coach Joe (link sends email)

2.SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

2:45-5:30 School year; 7:30-5:30 during the summer
Hillcrest K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  Mission YMCA(link is external)/ Nataly Espinoza, Site Coordinator, sends email)M-T-Th-F 2-6:00 pm. ,W 1 -6:00 p.m.
Jefferson K-57:50AM-2:05PM MTTHF 7:50AM-12:50PM W  

1. YMCA(link is external)

2. SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

YMCA-until 6m

OST: MTRF 2:05-5:45pm; W12:55-5:45pm

Key, Francis Scott K-57:50AM-2:05PM MTTHF
7:50AM-12:50PM W
  BACR After school Program(link is external)2:05-6:00 MTTHF
12:50-6:00 W
King, Thomas Starr PK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  YMCA EXCEL program(link is external)until 6:30pm
Lafayette K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM
PK SDC: 7:50 AM-11:50 AM

 1. YMCA(link is external) and

2. Richmond Neighborhood Center(link is external)

3. KID Care - OFF SITE

until 5:30 pm
Lakeshore K-59:30 am - 3:30 pm MTThF 9:30 am - 2:45 pm WExCEL8:00 am - 9:30 am

1. Excel(link is external);

2. Afternoon Mandarin

Excel: 3:45 - 6:30 pm MTThF 2:30 - 6:30 pm W

Afternoon Mandarin: 3:45 - 5:15 pm MTThF 2:30 - 5:15 pm W

Lau, Gordon J K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PMLau Before Care7:50am - 8:20am

1.Gordon J. Lau After School Programs:(link is external)

2. OST managed by Commodore Stockton EES at Lau campus. Contact Jenny Yu @ sends email)

SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

Lawton Alternative K-8MTRF: 9:30am-3:45pm
Wednesday: 9:30am-2:30pm
B.A.C.R /
MJCLC Mandarin classes(link is external)
8:00 a.m.1. B.A.C.R. (link is external)
2. KEEP /
3. ASMC Mandarin class
1.BACR: 7pm 
2.KEEP: 6pm 
3.ASMC: 5pm
Lilienthal Alternative K-8750-205 Monday-Friday 750-1250 Wednesday  

1. Madison Site = CLASP ( Claire Lilienthal Afterschool Program)(link is external)

2. Scott Site = CLLA (Claire Lilienthal Learning Academy), YMCA(link is external)

until 6pm
Longfellow K-59:30AM - 3:45PM MTRF 9:30AM - 2:30PM WJamestown: Phoenix Risers7:00 AM - 9:30 AM

1. Jamestown(link is external)

2. Boys & Girls Club(link is external)

3. Our Kids First (OKF)(link is external)

Our Kids First (OKF): TBD-Educational Partnerships (PEP): Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:40-4:00pm
Malcolm X Academy PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM
PK SDC: 8:40 AM-12:40 PM
5 Spots for Before School Program7:30 AMBoys and Girls Club(link is external)Until 6pm
Marshall ES8:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PMMorning Homework Club7:30am

 1.Mission Graduates(link is external)

2.Boys and Girls(link is external)

3.CYO bus picks up

until 6pm
McCoppin, Frank PK-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PM
PK SDC: 9:30 AM-1:30 PM
Richmond Neighborhood7:30am

1) Richmond Neighborhood Center(link is external)

2) SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

3) Possibly adding a 3rd for 22-23

Until 6pm
McKinley K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  After School Enrichment Program (ASEP), contact Mckinley ES2:05-6:00pm
Milk, Harvey Civil Rights Academy K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PMMission Y730amMission YMCA on site(link is external)until 6:45pm
Miraloma K-5M. T, Th, F: 7:50-2:05; W: 7:50-12:50  STONESTOWN YMCA(link is external) on school premisesafter school, pick-up NLT 6 PM
Mission Education Center Elementary School8:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  Excel;BACR(link is external)2:55-6:00 PM
Monroe K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PMYMCA7:30 AM

1. YMCA - is external)

2. Boys & Girls(link is external) - sends email)

3. Rec & Park - 415-640-9182

4. SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

varies by program
Moscone, George / Las Americas Early Education School PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  

 1. SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

2. CYC Offsite(link is external)

3. BG Club(link is external)

4. Mission Girls(link is external)

Muir, John PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM
PK SDC: 8:40 AM-12:40 PM
Beacon YMCA7am- beginning of school dayBeacon YMCA(link is external)end of school day - 6pm
New Traditions K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PMBuchanan YMCA Before and After School Program7:30-9:30 AMBuchanan YMCA Before and After School Program(link is external)M,T,TH,F 3:45-6:30 WED 2:30-6:30
Ortega PK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM
PK SDC: 7:50 AM-11:50 AM
  YMCA(link is external) (on-site), Stelle Chavez sends email)Dismissal-6:00pm
Parker, Jean K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  1) SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program
2) YMCA(link is external)
Until 6:00 PM
Peabody, George K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  Richmond Neighborhood Center(link is external) For assistance, please email sends email) or call (415) 751-6600.2:40 - 6:00 PM
Redding TK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  Community Youth Center of San Francisco (CYC) ACE(link is external)Mon/Tues/ Thurs/Fri 2:55pm- 6:00pm. Wed-1:40-6:00pm
Revere, Paul PK-8PK SDC: 9:30 AM-1:30 PM
K-5: 9:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PM
6-8: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM; Wednesday 2:15 PM
BACR Beacon Program: Sherry Galdamez sends email)To Be DeterminedBeacon: BACR(link is external)M,T,TH,F 3:45pm-7pm WED 2:30pm-7pm
Rooftop Alternative PK-8K-5: 9:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PM
6-8: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM; Wednesday 2:15 PM
 Schoolyard opens at 8:30 AM.

Children's After School Arts(link is external) (CASA)(link is external)

(415) 493-8897

Open to TK-6th grade students.

Service learning program for 7th & 8th graders on Wednesdays only.

TK: until 6:00 pm

K-6th: until 6:30 pm

7th & 8th grade Service learning program: until 6:30 pm on Wednesdays

Rosa Parks / Raphael Weill Early Education School PK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  

 1. ExCel (Buchanan YMCA)(link is external)

2. Raphael Weill OST-SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

3. Boys & Girls Club(link is external) (Don Fisher)

4. Nihonmachi Little Friends(link is external)

5. Magic Zone(link is external)

6. Hamilton Rec Center(link is external)

7. Booker T Washington(link is external)

8. The Village Project

9. On hiatus: JCC, Prince Hall, Hayward ReConnect1

From end of school until 5:30 or 6 pm
San Francisco Community K-8K-5: 9:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PM
6-8: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM; Wednesday 2:15 PM
Before School Recess9:00-9:30 AMBoys and Girls Club(link is external)M/T/Th/F 4:00 - 6:00pm
W 2:15-6:00pm
San Francisco Montessori PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  Onsite After School Dual Language Immersion Program, Mandarin and SpanishM/T/Th/F 2:55 - 6:00pm
W 1:40:-6:00pm
Sanchez PK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  

1. EXCEL/Beacon funded: Mission Graduates (K-5 ONSITE) sends email),

2. Columbia Park Boys and Girls' Club ages 6 and up (OFFSITE but transportation arranged from Sanchez to Club) is external)

2:05 - 5:30 M, T, Th, F, 12:50 - 5:30W
Serra, Junipero K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PMBay Area Community Resources/After School Success Club8:10 a.m.

1. B.A.C.R./ A.S.S.C.(link is external)

2. SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

BACR/ ASSC - 5:30 p.m. OST - 5:00 p.m.
Sheridan PK-5M T TH F 7:50-2:05 W 7:50-12:50  YMCA(link is external)until 6pm
Sherman K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  SHARKS(link is external) Until Dark2.05pm M/T/TH/F- 5.45pm 12.50pm - 5.45pm Wed
Sloat K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PMYMCA- Stonestown7:00-8:40amYMCA(link is external), Nick Newman- sends email)2:55-6:00pm
Spring Valley Science ES K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  

1.SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

2.YMCA(link is external): sends email)

OST: Year Round until 6pm. YMCA: School Term M-F 2:55pm-6pm
Stevenson TK-5M. T, Th, F: 7:50-2:05; W: 7:50-12:50  

1. EXCEL(link is external) 2nd-5th Grade

2. KEEP K-5th Grade call 415-564-2741

3. Mandarin Program

until 6pm
Sunnyside K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PMYMCA Mission8am-915YMCA Mission(link is external)3:30-6:30pm
Sunset K-5(M,T, TH & F) 9:30 - 3:45 pm
(Wed) 9:30 - 2:30pm
7:30 - 9:30 am
BACR/Excel(link is external)(M,T, TH & F)
3:45 - 6:30 pm
(Wed) 2:30 - 6:30pm
Sutro K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PMJazmin YMCA 415-750-85257:30-9:30am

1. YMCA(link is external) Jazmin 415-750-8525

2. SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

Taylor, E.R. PK-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  E.R. Taylor ASP options(link is external)until 5:45pm
Tenderloin PK-58:40 AM-2:55 PM; Wednesday 1:40 PM  

 1. Boys & Girls Club(link is external)

2. Cross Cultural,

3. Glide(link is external)

4. Salvation Army(link is external)

5. YMCA(link is external),

6. SF City Impact/City Kids,

7. Up-On-Top(link is external)

Check with program for dismissal times but between 4-6pm
Ulloa K-5M-F 7:30-6:30Ulloa Children's CenterM-F 7:00-9:30Ulloa Children's Center, 415/759-8854Until 6:30pm
Visitacion Valley ES K-58:40 AM-2:55 PM
Wednesday 1:40 PM
  R.O.C.K. Real Options for City Kids(link is external) (on site)M,T,TH,F: 2:55 - 6pm
W: 1:40 - 6pm
Webster K-57:50 AM-2:05 PM; Wednesday 12:50 PM  

1.ASEP(link is external)-Ferkhunda Murad sends email)

2.SFUSD Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program

West Portal K-5M. T, Th, F: 7:50-2:05 W: 7:50-12:50  

 1. YMCA(link is external)

2. All Star Mandarin(link is external)

3. Rec & Park

Until 6
Yick Wo K-59:30 AM-3:45 PM; Wednesday 2:30 PMChinatown YMCA - on site8am - 9:10am

 1. Chinatown YMCA(link is external) - on site

2. Salesian Boys & Girls club(link is external) - off campus

3. Tel-Hi childcare center - Off campus

Chinatown YMCA: Mon -Fri. 3:45 - 6:30pm

For Salesian and Tel-Hi, please call their sites for more info.

Yu, Alice Fong K-88:40 AM-4:00 PM Wednesday 8:40-2;30Wah Mei/BASE, sends email)7 am - 9:30 am for K-5 only

1. Wah Mei/BASE(link is external), sends email)


2:30-6 pm

Middle Schools

Mobile users: Please scroll to see the rest of the table. 

School Name

School Start and End Time

Before School Program Name

Before School Program Time

After School Program Name

After School Program Time


Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM


The CYC Aptos Beacon Center(link is external)T-after school and summer progra offers college and career exploration, social emotional learning and much more!
(628) 233-6356 or email: sends email) for more information or to enroll!

A.P. Giannini Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

Mandarin and Spanish fee-based programs

  Sunset Neighborhood BEACON Center(link is external) 3:35 - 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle School Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM
Bayview YMCA Beacon Program Monday - Friday: 8:30AM- 9:25AM Bayview YMCA Beacon Program(link is external) Mon. -Tues.: 4:00PM - 6:30 PM Wed.: 2:15 PM - 6:30 PM
Thurs. - Fri.: 4:00PM - 6:30 PM
Everett Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM
Library is open at 9 a.m. The Beacon staff is offering a Before Care program this year (2021-2022) 9 a.m. in the Library Mission Beacon Center(link is external): Monday through Friday from 2:45pm to 6:00 p.m., Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., at minimal cost. Call 415-864-5205 x271 for more details. The program provides academic support, recreation, enrichment, cooking, skateboarding, biking, art, field trips, computers, and more. 2:45pm to 6:00 p.m.
Friday from 1 to 6 p.m.

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    North Beach Chinatown Beacon Program(link is external) until 6 pm
Herbert Hoover Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

New Beacon Community school, offering 1-2 early morning programs to support academics and enrichment.

  Sunset Neighborhood BEACON Center(link is external), which is a program through our lead agency, BACR (Bay Area Community Resources)- Hoover's partner agency that supports a comprehensive after school program.
Contact the after school coordinator, Allison Bamaca, at (415)319-0189, for program application and details. Click here (link is external)to begin your application.
Mon - Fri from after school hours until 7 pm
James Denman

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    ExCEL Program
Call 415-292-3027 for more information.
Mon-Fri from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.
James Lick

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM


Jamestown Community Center(link is external) supports the after-school program offered at JLMS with increased academic and enrichment programs both in our after-school program and during the school day.


Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    The Marina Beacon Program, in partnership with the Presidio Y, run a yearlong ExCel Program providing academic support, enrichment and extracurricular Activities. 3:25-6:25PM

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    Richmond Beacon Mighty Panthers Program RNC(link is external): 415-770-5851, Every school day, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Theodore Roosevelt

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    BEACON program run by the RNC(link is external). Includes after school homework support, enrichment activities, supervised sports, snacks and dinner option available. Every school day, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Visitacion Valley

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    Real Options for City Kids (R.O.C.K.) (link is external)Monday - Thursday 3:15 p.m.; Program offered free of charge from end of school day until 6 p.m.; Saturday Field Trips and Summer Programs Monday - Thursday 3:15 p.m. from end of tthe school day until 6 p.m.
Willie Brown Jr.

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:30AM -4PM
Wed 9:30-2:15 PM

    The Explore! Afterschool Extended Learning Program, available Monday-Friday from the end of school day until 6:40 p.m. (6 p.m. Wednesdays) at the WBMS Beacon Center. Students participate in enrichment activities, including Engineering, Cooking, Science Club, Girls Group, and more. Monday-Friday from the end of school day until 6:40 p.m. (6 p.m. Wednesdays)

High Schools

Mobile users: Please scroll to see the rest of the table. 

School Name

After School Program Name

After School Program Time

Asawa (Ruth) SOTA Academic Support/Tutoring (grant dependent) TBD
Balboa CYCSF After School Program(link is external), Athletics, Clubs, Classes, Tutoring, M/T/Th/F 4:00-6:30; Wed 1:30-6:30
Burton (Phillip & Sala) Bayview YMCA(link is external). We have classes offered by City College on Saturdays and after school. The Bayview YMCA runs the Teen Center that offers programs that include intramurals, student-led workshops on a variety of topics, swimming lessons, and drivers' education. Also, we have tutoring during lunchtime and afterschool. 3:40 PM - 5:30 PM
Galileo Extensive enrichment opportunities through tutoring, intercollegiate sports, and over 40 clubs. Credit recovery opportunities in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. Additional courses offered through Edgenuity. 4:00pm-6:00pm
Jordan (June) June Jordan School for Equity ExCEL Program.The June Jordan Extended-Day Program (EDP) provides a wide array of opportunities for our students to develop the essential skills needed for both academic success and personal growth. Our free program integrates youth development principles and practices to ensure quality programming in a safe and supportive environment. The following are available every day in the EDP program until 6pm: Free supper, Tech access, Academic support, What Works Club, Athletics, Dance, Poetry/Spoken word, Motorcycle Mechanics 4:00 - 6:00pm
Lincoln (Abraham) Stonestown Family YMCA(link is external)
ALHS After School Program is an ExCEL program that offers academic support, English language learner support and enrichment activities. Students have access to free supper and technology as well.
Mon., Tues., Fri. 3:53 PM-6:00 PM and Wed, Thu 2:57 PM - 6:00 PM
Lowell Peer Resources, Wellness, and CSF tutoring are offered to students, as well as close to 100 clubs and many competitive sports teams are open to all students to join. From 3:50-5:00 p.m.
Marshall (Thurgood) Our Good Samaritan afterschool program(link is external) offers a wide variety of student clubs and academic support. This includes Cooking Club, Skakeboard Club, English Club, tutoring, gaming, drumming, employment opportunities with our neighboring schools as a Leader In Training (LIT) and community involvement. This is a great way to connect with the school community and get to know your peers! 3:15 to 7:00 p.m. daily
Mission Multiple academic and enrichment programs: OLE' Latino, Black Student Union, Mission Leadership, Multicultural Club, Mural Club, Chinese Club, Mission Bit, Surf Club, MPACT, Bling Bling Tutoring, Garden Club CUESA, Dragon Boat, Sunset Youth Services, Skate Club, Mission Adventures, Creative Writing, DJ Club, Filipino Martial Arts, Weight room, Study Hall, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and many more. 3:30-6:00pm on Monday/Wednesday/Friday
2:30-6:00 p.m on Tuesday/Thursday
O'Connell (John) ExCEL Urban Services YMCA Program(link is external) offered each day until 6 p.m. Highlights include tutoring and homework help, computer lab access, online credit recovery courses, student-led clubs, athletics, Tech 21, and more! 415-695-5370 x1113. Mon., Tues.,
Thurs., Fri. 3:45PM - 6:00PM
Wed. 1:50 PM - 6:00PM
The Academy - SF @ McAteer ExCEL Urban Services afterschool program (link is external)includes academic tutoring, enrichment activities, and credit recovery. All Academy student-athletes attend mandatory study hall through the afterschool program. Activities include CUESA Foodwise Teens, Roots of Resistance, dance club, and more based on student interest. Students receive academic support as well as informal mentoring, through the relationships they build with our dynamic staff. Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 3:45pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday:2:00pm - 6:30pm
SF International CYCSF After School Program, Athletics, Clubs, Classes, Tutoring,  
Wallenberg (Raoul) Richmond District Neighborhood Center(link is external) at Wallenberg High School (ExCEL Program) 415-749-3469. Credit recovery, tutoring, and clubs. Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 3:50pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday:1:35pm - 5:00pm
Friday: 3:50pm - 7:00pm
Washington (George) Richmond Neighborhood Center Program(link is external) on site from 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. The center provides after school enrichment programs for students. For more information, please visit the Richmond Neighborhood Center link or contact the Washington High School ExCEL Program at (415) 750-8554. 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Early Education Schools with OST

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For a full list of Early Education Sites with OST, visit Out of School Time Program

School Name School Year Hours of Operation* Full Day Hours of Operation Address Phone Contact Person & Information
Leola Havard 2:30-5:45 7:45-5:45 1520 Oakdale Avenue (415) 695-5660

Catherine Lewis sends email)

Commodore Stockton 2:45-5:45 7:45-5:45 1 Trenton St (415) 291-7932

Jenny Yu sends email)

Tule Elk Park 2:30-5:30 7:30-5:30 2110 Greenwich St

(415) 749-3551

Nancy Lambert-Campbell sends email)

San Miguel 2:30-5:45 7:45-5:45 300 Seneca Ave (415) 469-4756

Anita Tong sends email)

J Serra Annex 2:30-5:30 7:30-5:30 625 Holly Park Circle (415) 695-5922

Danielle Loughridge sends email)

Argonne 2:30-5:30 7:30-5:30 750 16th Ave (415) 750-8617

Nkechni Nwankwo sends email)

Noriega 2:30-6:00 8:00-6:00 1775 44th Ave (415) 759-2853

Ivy Ng sends email)



This page was last updated on October 28, 2024