PTSA: Parent Teacher Student Association

Meeting Dates / 會議日期 / Fechas de reunión Link to this section

Join us for our next PTSA meeting IN-PERSON or ONLINE(link is external)

One of the most import roles PTSA plays is fostering community.  Join us in person with a light dinner and dessert.  Chinese and Spanish interpretation; parking in the school yard.

Parent, Teacher, Student and Community participation is crucial to a successful PTSA, and a successful PTSA is one that can positively impact the lives of children and families.  Your participation is need to attend a meeting, volunteer, or just let us know what your comments, questions and suggestions are. sends email)


All PTSA Community Meetings are IN PERSON & ONLINE (link is external)from 6pm-7:30pm at Marina Middle School, Room 109.

Fall MeetingsSpring Meetings
August 21January 22
September 18February 19
October 16

March 19

Election Meeting

November 20

April 16


 May 21

Please check the school calendar to confirm dates, times and topics.


Marina Middle PTSA Board Link to this section


Marina Middle PTSA Board Members 2024-25

There are still open positions on the Board Roster.  Please email if you are interested or if you have any questions.


Nate WelchPresident

Margaret Johnson-Prentice, Treasurer

Corrina Rice, Secretary

Rebecca Webb, Communications Chair

Gabby RDW, Student Board Member

Tona Mitcham, Parliamentarian

Lee Ann Bailey, Historian 

Ramona Avileswinn, Spiritwear Chair

Greg Dagger, Teacher Representative

Gina Morris, Advisor

Michael Harris, Principal


These positions are still open.  We especially need the Fundraising Chair and the Membership Chair filled.  Please email us if you are interested or if you have any questions. sends email)

OpenExec. Vice President

Open, Fundraising Chair

Open, Membership Chair

Open, Family Engagement Chair

Open,  Reflections Art Contest Chair





This page was last updated on October 30, 2024