Materials for Students
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Find information about materials for students such as:
Technology Devices for Students
- All students who have borrowed an SFUSD laptop and/or hotspot to access online learning from home may continue to borrow the device(s) for the duration of the 2021-22 school year.
- Students who borrowed a laptop from the Visual and Performing Arts department at Lowell should exchange their device for a new Chromebook during the first week of school. Details regarding how to do this will be provided later.
- Students who no longer need borrowed device(s) should return them to AP Daniels’ office (Room 120) by Friday, August 20.
- Parents of students who need to borrow a device for this school year to access learning at home, including those who need to exchange a broken device or replace a lost or stolen device, may submit a request for a Chromebook or Hotspot using the “Device Form Request” in ParentVue. Online Device Request Instructions are available here.
- Students do not need to bring laptops/tablets to school. Teachers will provide tech devices when they are needed in school. We strongly recommend that students keep their devices at home rather than transport them back and forth from home to school.
Lockers will be assigned by the end of the second week of school. Students may not claim their own lockers or use their own locks. Personal locks will be cut and disposed of without notice.
Textbook Distribution
Textbooks will be distributed in your classrooms during the first week of school.
To ensure the fastest, safest book checkout possible, please have either an SFUSD Student ID (it's ok if your card is expired, from middle school or different high school) or your StudentVUE barcode on your smart phone out and ready.
If you don’t have either (or if your middle school id does not have a barcode) your name will also work.
To find your student ID barcode in StudentVUE:
- Log into Synergy/StudentVUE app
- Select green “ID Card” icon at bottom right
- Swipe right on the QR code to reveal your barcode
- Set your screen to full brightness
To use a supervised Self-Checkout Station:
- Observe social distancing when waiting for your turn
- Scan your Student ID barcode by holding your card or phone barcode under the red light line of the scanner. (Your name and picture will appear on the screen).
- If you do not have a barcoded ID, you or your teacher can type your name in the “Find” box, press “Enter” on the keyboard and use the mouse/track pad to select/click on your name from the options that appear below in blue.
- Find the Lowell Barcode on your book (usually in the upper section of the back cover of your textbook) and hold it under the red line of light. (The name of the book will appear under your name)
- The Lowell Barcode is a small white sticker that looks like this:
Lowell Textbook Barcode example -
Do not scan the publisher’s pre-printed barcode (in the lower right corner). If your Lowell Barcode is close to the publisher’s barcode, please cover the publisher’s barcode with your thumb while scanning.
If you have any problems or if the information you see on the screen is incorrect, confusing or frustrating, don’t worry! Just take a picture of your barcode with your phone (or type out the 4690000...number) and email it, along with your name and the title of the book, to Rachel at and I’ll fix it for you immediately.
If the textbook you've been assigned turns out to be damaged/missing pages/the wrong edition, please see Rachel in the Book Room (room 152) to exchange it. If you have any Lowell books from previous years at home (including those left behind by siblings or friends), please bring them to Rachel (room 152) during the first week of school.
You never need your id to return books.
This page was last updated on August 9, 2021