School Announcements
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More about this school
School Type
Elementary School (K, 1-5) -
Estimated Enrollment
315 -
- Liz Zarr
HoursMo - Tu: 8:40 am-2:55 pmWe: 8:40 am-1:40 pmTh - Fr: 8:40 am-2:55 pm -
School Tour
There will be tours (available in English and Spanish) on Friday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 25 from 9 - 10:15.
Sign up for a school tour at
This School Feeds Into
Glen Park -
School Meals
Breakfast, Lunch, After School SupperView menus at
School Code
The Glen Park School is a diverse, close-knit community committed to social justice and high achievement for all students. We strive to support historically underserved families and students while cultivating an inclusive community where all voices are valued and heard. Through equitable access to learning opportunities and explicit instruction, students are engaged in academic, social, and emotional growth each day toward the goal of being lifelong learners and allies.
We hold high expectations for all staff, students, and families, and support this in a variety of ways: we nurture a rigorous professional learning community, provide parent education and participation opportunities, and differentiate curriculum for student access. We use a restorative approach to problem solving and conflict resolution between and among students, staff, and families. We also have regular showcases of academic and artistic work to allow students to experience the satisfaction of a job well done. In addition, we provide literacy support in English and Spanish, a full-time librarian, and a Wellness Center staffed by a full-time social worker. Our teachers provide a solid foundation of skills instruction integrated with thematic teaching across grade levels, we use the Teachers College Reading and Writing Workshop model, and staff meets regularly to analyze programs and practices to ensure student academic, social, and emotional needs are being met.
After School Programs
Our ExCEL/SFArtsED afterschool program is from 2:40 - 6:00 pm daily. Fees are on a sliding scale, and activities include fitness, nutrition, academic enrichment and homework help, field trips, and visual and performing arts. Day staff and afterschool staff coordinate efforts through a teacher liaison to support student academic achievement and social/emotional growth. -
Language Programs
Spanish Biliteracy Program
Special Education Programs
Separate class - Moderate/severe with autism focus
School Day Academic Enrichment
Computer carts
Education Outside
English literacy interventionist
Spanish literacy interventionist
Arts Enrichment
Instrumental music
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Teachers
Arts enrichment includes dance, rhythm, vocal music and instrumental music and literary arts through partnerships with SF Ballet, SF ARTS Ed. and the SFUSD Visual and Performing Arts office. -
Student Support Programs
Family liaison
Social worker
School Data
Application Data
General education entry grade seats per application: 12%-
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are required by state law and are intended to provide families with important information.
School Accountability Highlights
Published annually by SFUSD to provide access to key data points and three-year trends related to student achievement and school culture-climate. The highlights are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report
SFUSD annually surveys families and school staff on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
School communities gather twice a year to review data and previous actions in order to intentionally plan for the coming months. The School Plan for Student Achievement is the template on which this review and stakeholder engagement process is codified.
Contact Info
151 Lippard Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94131 -
Phone Number
415-469-4713 -
Fax Number
415-337-6942 -
Email -