The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

-Babe Ruth


Athletic Code

Participation in the Balboa Athletics Program is considered a privilege, not a right. Therefore, athletes must accept the following responsibilities:

Applicability: Abide by the training rules set by coaches and Balboa High School.

Conduct and Behavior: You represent your team, parents, school, and community, so proper conduct is expected at all times, on and off the field/court/pool, and during school and non-school activities.

Appearance: Take pride in your appearance, especially when traveling to other schools. Coaches or team captains may require a dress code on a contest day.

Dedication: Attend all practices, meetings, and contests. If you anticipate an absence, contact the coach directly.

Be punctual to all meetings, practices, and contests.

Put forth 100% effort at all times—study hard, complete all assignments, and make every effort to be a leader both in the classroom and on the team.

Attend every class period during the school day. If you must miss a class, make sure you let your instructor know at least two days in advance (unless excused by the appropriate administrator).

Respect/Language: Use proper language with and show respect for parents, coaches, teammates, officials, opponents, and Balboa. Respect your teammates’ abilities, weaknesses, and strengths—the team comes before the individual.

Uniforms/Equipment: Respect the school equipment. The Athletic Department provides athletes with the best possible equipment, and athletes are responsible for keeping the equipment/uniforms in good condition. To collect uniforms and necessary equipment, you must submit a $100 check ($200 for basketball, baseball, and Football) to the Athletic Department. Please make checks out to Balboa High School. This check will only be cashed if uniforms are not returned within two weeks after the last match of the season. All uniforms must be laundered before returning.

This page was last updated on June 7, 2024