Meeting Times and Background
All SSC Meetings take place the fourth Thursday of the Month from 4:30pm-5:30pm in Room 119
SSC Info from SFUSD
Annual SSC Summit Info
School Site Council Learning Module - SSC Parity INFO
SSC Bylaws
2020-2021 SSC Agendas
SSC Objectives:
The Abraham Lincoln High School (ALHS) SSC will follow State guidelines and be consistent with policies of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). The SSC is expected to:
- Advise the school regarding the planning, budgeting, implementation, and evaluation of the School Site Plan. (See California Education Code Section 52853.)
- Study and refine the School Site Plan (also known as the Balanced Scorecard) to meet the educational needs and learning styles of all students. At ALHS, the needs of SFUSD targeted student groups will be specifically addressed, with appropriate support for African-American, Latino. Pacific Islander (particularly Samoan), English learner, special education, and other students whom data indicate would benefit from additional assistance. The School Site Plan will include staff development activities to enhance and strengthen these efforts.
- Support the following goals of SFUSD:
- Access and Equity: Making social justice a reality.
- Student Achievement: Engaging high- achieving and joyful learners.
- Accountability: Keeping our promises to schools and families. (Refer to the SFUSD Strategic Plan for details).
- Support the role of parents and caregivers as the first and foremost teachers and provide opportunities for their collaboration and participation in the intellectual, social, and physical development of students.
- Take other actions as required by the California Education Code (EC).
2020-2021 SSC Board Members:

This page was last updated on June 28, 2021