World Languages

WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT 2022-23 Link to this section

Saying Hello in Different Languages

The World Language Department at Abraham Lincoln High School currently offers the following languages: Chinese, Chinese Honors, AP Chinese, Spanish, Spanish Honors, Spanish for Native Speakers Honors, AP Spanish, Japanese, and Japanese Honors.


The following courses are currently offered:

Chinese 1-2; Chinese 3 Honors; AP Chinese; Japanese 1-2; Japanese 3 Honors, Spanish 1-2; Spanish 3 Honors; Spanish 2 for Native Speakers; AP Spanish

OBJECTIVES (CA World Language Content Standards)

1. Communication

• Students engage in oral and written conversations.

• Students interpret written and spoken language. 

• Students present to an audience of listeners and readers.


2. Cultures

• Students choose a culturally appropriate response to a variety of situations.

• Students demonstrate understanding of the roles products, practices, and perspectives play in the culture.

• Students state similarities and differences within the target cultures and among students’ own cultures.

• Students state reasons for cultural borrowings.


3. Content

• Students address topics related to the immediate and external environment.

• Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints and further their knowledge of other disciplines.


4. Structures

• Students identify the similarities and differences in the orthography, phonology and text structures of the languages they know.

• Students use linguistically and grammatically appropriate structures to comprehend and produce messages.


5. Settings

• Students use languages in interpersonal (informal and formal) settings.

• Students participate in age appropriate cultural or language use opportunities outside the classroom.




World Language 1 (First year Chinese/Japanese/Spanish) Grade 9-12

This is a beginning course that emphasizes the development of communication skills and awareness of the target language cultures through activities and materials designed to develop language skills. Emphasis is placed on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of the language to be used naturally and spontaneously in real life situations.


World Language 2  (Second Year Chinese/Japanese/Spanish) Grade 9-12

This is a continuation and expansion of skills mastered in the first year with continued emphasis on all language skills. Students are encouraged to create with the language using everyday routines, common events, and narrations of past and future actions.

      Prerequisites: World Language 1 with grade of D or higher, or recommendation by teacher.


World Language 3 (Third Year Chinese/Japanese/Spanish) Grade 10-12

   This course reviews previously learned materials and introduces more complex vocabulary and grammatical structures to further develop listening, speaking, reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Students comprehend and produce oral and written sentences and paragraphs dealing with topics related to self, the immediate environment, survival and courtesy in some informal and transactional settings.           

Prerequisites: World Language 2 with grade of D or higher, or recommendation by teacher.


World Language 2 for Spanish Native Speakers Grade 9-12

   These courses permit students to enhance the existing language skills in their first language. The Native Speakers courses focus on all areas of language development with emphasis on reading and writing skills and feature a significant study of culture, literature, and business language and reading.

      Prerequisites: Passage of placement test or recommendation by teacher.           


Honors Courses (Third year) Grade 10-12

   These courses provide students with extended content and additional workload. Students engage in more challenging communicative activities and develop critical reading skills. There is a comprehensive oral and written final examination.

      Prerequisites: World Language 2 with grade of D or higher, or recommendation by teacher.


AP World Languages  Grade 10-12

   This course follows the College Entrance Examination Board course description for advanced placement work in languages. It prepares students to take the AP examination in May.

      Prerequisites:World Language 3 with grade of D or higher, or recommendation by teacher.


Contact List:

Mr. Koichi Sano (Department Chair / Japanese) sends email)

Mr. Antonio Esparza (Spanish) sends email)

Ms. Emma Lee (Chinese) sends email)

Mr. Gong Kent Tian (Chinese) sends email)

Mr. Marco Mendoza (Spanish) sends email)

Ms. Nancy Yu (Chinese) sends email)

Mr. Taica Hsu (Spanish) sends email)

Ms. Arisa Hiroi (Japanese) sends email)


This page was last updated on October 6, 2022