
Getting started with Reports

Synergy collects a mass amount of data from students, in order to sort through the data we use queries to be more specific about the type of data we would like to gather. Once we have applied the desired filters and conditions the data can be saved and exported as a report. You may choose a ready made report or create a query of your own needs and save as a custom report. 

Synergy header

Types of reports within Synergy:

  1. Individual: create a profile for an individual student. Naming in the 200s, example: ATD201.
  2. List: provides a list of students. Naming in  the 400s, example: ATD402.
  3. Summary: provides a view of the whole school, example: by ethnic distribution. Naming in the 600s, example: STU602.

Click here to see the full Synergy Report & Query Guide

How do I..

run a report?

use conditions tab?

email and schedule reports?

use job queue?

use option tabs?

create a custom report

Most commonly run reports

Admin Most commonly Run Reports


List of available reports within Synergy SIS. I’m trying to find reports on:


REMINDER! Enter the report ID (e.g. “ATD201”) on Quick Launch to display the report screen. Review the How to Run Built-in Reports for more information.


Types of reports within Synergy:

  1. Individual: create a profile for an individual student. Naming in the 200s, example: ATD201.
  2. List: provides a list of students. Naming in  the 400s, example: ATD402.
  3. Summary: provides a view of the whole school, example: by ethnic distribution. Naming in the 600s, example: STU602. 

Attendance & Enrollment

I’m trying to see...

Enter the report # on Quick Launch:

A student’s absences per period. A list of a student’s absences by period for a given Date Range including the student’s demographic information.

ATP201: Period Student Attendance Profile

Absences by reason the total number of absences recorded for each absence reason. **To report absences and present blank out the Minimum Amount

ATP401: Daily Student Absence Totals

Absences per period. A list of all students at a school for a given date range which displays the total number of absences recorded for each period with parent phone numbers.

ATP402: Period Student Absence Totals Report

Missing attendance per section. A list of all sections with missing attendance for a specified date range.

ATP602: Period Sections Missing Attendance List

All students who were tardy on a given day by section

ATP404: Daily Tardy List

A student’s absences and details. A list of a student’s days and details of absences including the student’s demographic information.

ATD201: Daily Attendance Profile

Positive Daily Attendance?

ATD204: Daily Attendance Totals

Total emails sent to teachers. Print a total count of emails sent to teachers based on filters selected.

ATD806: Class Attendance Reminder

Students with perfect attendance. All students who have no absences or tardies for a given date range, by section with parent phone numbers.

ATP403: Period Perfect Attendance List

Total enrollment days of students. All students enrolled at the school during the year and show their total days enrolled, days present, days absent, and their enter date and leave date.

ATD407: End of Year Attendance List


A list of every student enrolled to date. Every student enrolled as of a given date with the total number of enrolled days for the current school year.

ATD414: Student Days Enrolled


Students who added or dropped classes. Students who have various types of enrollment issues. [Note: Run this report at least once a week to verify student enrollment, correct any overlapping sections, and ensure dates are within the school calendar.]

STU416: Student Enrollment Validation 

Enrolled students in each section. A report for student tracking to make notations for each student.

STU408: Class List

See all students scheduled per class. This report prints the class roster. 

STU409: Class Roster

Students with Enrollment Issues. Prints a list of students that have one of the selected types of enrollment problems

STU416: Student Enrollment Validation

Current Year Incoming Students. Students that are new to your school AFTER the first day of school this year

EPC059: Current Year - Incoming Students

Current Year Outgoing Students. Students that have left your school this year (attended your school for at least one day this school year and is no longer attending your school)

EPC060: Current Year - Incoming Students

Incoming Students. List of incoming students for the applying year

U-EPC046: Incoming Students from Sending Schools

Course History

Student’s course history and progress toward graduation requirements. Also see a summary of credits earned, sorted by subject area.

CHS202: Student Graduation Requirement Profile

Student’s progress toward all graduation requirements. Show who is not ‘on track’ and displays course history, test results, GPA and Class Rank, and total service learning hours.

CHS404: Student Graduation Check

Students with missing subject area graduation requirements. See a summary of credits needed for students to meet graduation requirements. 

CHS406: Student Grad Req Exception List

Student’s course history with achievements and test history. Show progress toward graduation requirements including service learning hours, and class rank information.

STU204: Student Transcript

A list of students in the Career Technical Education Program.

CTE401: CTE Program Participant


Students with a current grade of D or F. List of students with failing grades before the grading period ends.

U-GB100: Students with D or F

Standards Based Grading. Prints the Standards Based Report Card generated in Grade Book

GBK201: Standards Based Report Card

Standards Based Grading Missing. Prints a list of students missing a completed Standards Based Report Card in Grade Book

GBK601: Standards Based Missing Report Card

SBRC Scores.  For Kindergartens

U-GB900-K: SBRC Scores - Kindergarten

Report cards to be mailed. Generates a one-sided 8½ x 11 page that can be folded in three and mailed

GRD203: Report Card Pressure Seal Trifold

Student grades for each section Prints a list of all sections and marks for each student

GRD401: Mark Listing By Student

Students with failing grades for the specified grading period. These grades are posted grades. 

GRD402: Mark Failing List

Student marks for each section with comments and absences as defined in the Grading Setup screen. 

GRD403: Mark Verification By Teacher

Honor Roll. Students who met the criteria for honor roll definition selected for the report.

GRD413: Honor Roll Report

Grade distribution by teacher. Prints a list of courses and summarizes the distribution of marks awarded by each teacher

GRD411: Mark Distribution By Course

Audit list for Grades.  Records Adds, Edits, and Deletes made to the Student Grade and Class Grade screens

GRD422: Student Grades Audit List

Other Reports

ELL students. List of EL students by school including the EL Acquisition Status and CALPADS Language.

U-ELL900: ELL Profile

Teacher Gradebook Activity. Gradebook usage in each class, by teacher. A report including the total assignment count, dates of the last assignment created, and scores last entered, by class.

GBK401: Teacher Gradebook Activity


A student’s profile. A report including custodial information, health conditions, emergency, and doctor information to file in a student’s permanent file. [Note: to print all students in the school, leave the options tab blank]

STU201: Student Profile

All classes scheduled for a student including the Period, Teacher, and Room information for each class.

STU202: Student Schedule

Emergency Contacts. Prints a list of students and the names of their parents and emergency contacts

STU410: Emergency Contact Directory

Student Incident Reports. Displays a list of students and a summary of their discipline record

IDS401: Student Discipline Listing

Class Analysis by section. Lists student totals, gender, seats available and number of requests for each course section at the school

MST408: Class Analysis by Course and Section

Sections. Lists class sections with class loads and student totals

OSM403: Schedule Section List by Course

Student Incident Reports. 

U-DI900: Discipline Incident Report

Suspension Notice. Incident Suspension with Notice to Teachers

U-DI901: Incident Suspension with Notice to Teachers

Meal Pin #. Displays a list of students and their meal plan # by class. 

U-SNS-202: Class List with Meal PIN

Parent/Guardian Contact/Ethnicity. Student - shows parent/guardian information .. email, ethnicity

U-ST803: Parent/Guardian Email (Ethnicity)

Clerks most commonly run reports


List of available reports within Synergy SIS. I’m trying to find reports on:


REMINDER! Enter the report ID (e.g. “ATD201”) on Quick Launch to display the report screen. Review the How to Run Built-in Reports for more information.

Types of reports within Synergy:

  1. Individual: create a profile for an individual student. Naming in the 200s, example: ATD201.
  2. List: provides a list of students. Naming in  the 400s, example: ATD402.
  3. Summary: provides a view of the whole school, example: by ethnic distribution. Naming in the 600s, example: STU602. 

Attendance & Enrollment

I’m trying to see...

Enter the report # on Quick Launch:

A student’s absences and details. A list of a student’s days and details of absences including the student’s demographic information.

ATD201: Daily Attendance Profile

Total absences and details. A list of total absences including the student’s demographic information.

ATD204: Daily Attendance Totals

Absences by reason the total number of absences recorded for each absence reason. **To report absences and present blank out the Minimum Amount

ATP401: Daily Student Absence Totals

Daily Absences. Lists student absences in a given date range and the arrival and departure time.

ATD402: Daily Attendance List


Daily Perfect attendance. Displays all students who were not absent or tardy during a given date range

ATD405: Daily Perfect Attendance List

Audit Attendance data:  Displays each change to attendance data by section

ATD415: Attendance Audit List

A student’s absences per period. A list of a student’s absences by period for a given Date Range including the student’s demographic information.

ATP201: Period Student Attendance Profile

Absences per student. Lists student absences for a given date range by period

ATP401: Period Attendance List

Students with perfect attendance. All students who have no absences or tardies for a given date range, by section with parent phone numbers.

ATP403: Period Perfect Attendance List

Missing attendance per section. A list of all sections with missing attendance for a specified date range.

ATP602: Period Sections Missing Attendance List

Class List by section Lists all students in a section and shows recorded absences for a 4-week period

STU409. Class Roster

Course History

Student’s course history with achievements and test history. Show progress toward graduation requirements including service learning hours, and class rank information.

STU204: Student Transcript


Standards Based Grading. Prints the Standards Based Report Card generated in Grade Book

GBK201: Standards Based Report Card

Report cards to be mailed. Generates a one-sided 8½ x 11 page that can be folded in three and mailed

GRD203: Report Card Pressure Seal Trifold

Student marks for each section with comments and absences as defined in the Grading Setup screen. 

GRD403: Mark Verification By Teacher

Honor Roll. Students who met the criteria for honor roll definition selected for the report.

GRD413: Honor Roll Report

Other Reports

Total emails sent to teachers. Print a total count of emails sent to teachers based on filters selected.

ATD806: Class Attendance Reminder

Student Conference Notes. Prints a profile of a student’s conferences including a description and comments

CNF201: Student Conference Profile

Student Health Profile. Lists student health-related records based on the filters selected

HLT201: Student Health Profile

Vaccination Record. Lists students and shows the number of doses of each vaccination the student has received

HLT403: Student Immunization Compliance List

District ParentVUE Activation. Similar to the PVU202 report but groups students by parent across all schools in the district

PVU204: Parent Activation Key Letter By Parent

ParentVUE Activity. Tracks parent and student activity in the ParentVUE/StudentVUE portal

PVU401: Parent/Student Portal Activity

A student’s profile. A report including custodial information, health conditions, emergency, and doctor information to file in a student’s permanent file. [Note: to print all students in the school, leave the options tab blank]

STU201: Student Profile

All classes scheduled for a student including the Period, Teacher, and Room information for each class.

STU202: Student Schedule

Enrolled students in each section. A report for student tracking to make notations for each student.

STU408: Class List

Student ID Cards. Prints Student ID cards for students in the selected grades

STU417: Student ID Card

Incoming Students. List of incoming students for the applying year

U-EPC046: Incoming Students from Sending Schools

Current Year Incoming Students. Students that are new to your school AFTER the first day of school this year

EPC059: Current Year - Incoming Students

Meal Pin Multipurpose Form

U-SNS101: Meal Pin Multipurpose Form

Student Password. Student - shows student username, default pw, email (confidential)

U-ST801: Student and Username/PW (Student)

Truancy Letter listed by org name, student no, threshold, letter name, threshold achieved date, processed Y/N indicator - Viewable by Central Office, Counselors, Family Liaison, Office Staff, Site Administrators, Social Worker, SIS Support.  Viewable by Central Office, Counselors, Family Liaison, Office Staff, Site Administrators, Social Worker, SIS Support

U-TR100: Truancy Letter

This page was last updated on July 10, 2024