Sheridan Elementary School 2017-2018 Innovation Awards

The Design Challenge Link to this section

How can we advance Digital Literacy in our school community to improve academic engagement and achievement for all students, and to close the opportunity gap for African American students and English Learners in particular?

Many of the students at Sheridan live in socio-economically disadvantaged households, and school surveys indicate that most families from that demographic have smartphones but lack computer access to the internet at home. Because the school also has limited technology available to students, many of their students lack consistent and sufficient access to 21st century technology that is required for learning digital skills to access content from the internet and navigate online systems. Providing greater access to technology and more opportunity to learn and practice digital literacy skills will help all students, but particularly their focal students, thrive academically as well as in the their lives outside of school.

Explore their slideshow for more information Link to this section

This page was last updated on June 3, 2021