6.2.1 Glossary: Key Behavior Supports and Interventions at SFUSD

Glossary: Key Behavior Supports and Interventions at SFUSD
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Many school-wide supports and interventions at SFUSD enhance a sense of positive community within schools, teach conflict resolution, and build skills that foster positive student behavior, and are implemented in culturally responsive ways.  Definitions of some of these supports and interventions can be found below

Behavior Intervention Plan

A formalized student support plan based on the results of a Functional Behavior Assessment (see below for definition) typically performed by a school psychologist, behavior specialist, or board certified behavior analyst (BCBA).

Behavior Intervention Services (BIS) Counseling

BIS Counseling is a tobacco and substance-use counseling intervention delivered by community health outreach workers, school counselors, school district nurses, deans, or school social workers.  This intervention consists of 2-3 one-on-one sessions that focus on why students are using drugs or alcohol. It supports students to set goals and make better informed choices related to their drug or alcohol use.

Behavioral Response to Intervention (Behavioral RTI)

A framework of multi-tiered systems of support for behavioral interventions, used to respond to specific student needs. This includes universal Tier 1 support for all students, individualized Tier 2 interventions for students who need additional support, and more intensive individualized Tier 3 supports for students who demonstrate a high level of need.

Check In, Check Out

A mentor-based behavioral intervention that pairs a student with a mentor who checks in and checks out with the student at the beginning and end of each day. Together, they review a daily behavior point sheet, provided by the CCT (see below for definition), which outlines the student’s goals and criteria for success.

Class Pass

The Class Pass is an intervention that gives a student a limited number of break passes based on their behavioral goal(s). The number of Class Passes received is predetermined by the CCT (see below for definition), and is used for immediate breaks in an area designated by the CCT or teacher throughout a school day or week. Students earn an incentive provided by the school for each pass they are able to preserve or based on a set criteria of passes saved at the end of the school day or school week.

Classroom Consultations

The process of identifying factors in the environment that may be contributing to student behaviors happening in the classroom.

Coordinated Care Team (CCT)

A Coordinated Care Team integrates pre-existing school teams including Culture and Climate, Student Assistance Program (SAP), Family Partnership Team (FP-PIP) and Attendance Review Team (SART). A CCT exists at each school and focuses on school climate, family partnership, attendance, and student / family services. They work in partnership with students and families to implement programs at a variety of service levels (from whole school, to individual student and family services) to achieve a safer and more equitable school culture and climate

Cultural Competency or Cultural Responsiveness

An approach that entails using knowledge of the various cultural backgrounds of the students served to inform interactions, practices, and interventions.

De-Escalation / Safety Care training

The process of supporting students in avoiding or completing the cycle of escalation more quickly by appropriately responding to student levels of need. This can look like redirecting a student’s attention when signs of escalation begin to appear. Safety Care is a training available to school staff and provides training and education on recognizing the cycle of escalation and how to intervene effectively at various levels, in an attempt to de-escalate safely and quickly and cause the least amount of harm.

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)

An assessment typically used for students with an IEP or 504 plan, the FBA assesses student behavior and environmental factors that contribute to it, in order to determine the underlying function of the behavior and provide appropriate intervention based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as necessary

Home Visit

A visit to the residence of a student in order to make contact with their parent(s)/caregiver(s) if other methods have not been successful, if the caregiver does not have the means to reach the school site, or upon caregiver request.

Peer Mediation

A mediation process in which conflict between students is resolved through a restorative conversation led by peers

Positive Behavior Contract with Incentives

The CCT team (see above for definition) works with the student to agree to criteria for success on a daily behavioral chart over a negotiated amount of time in order for the student to earn a desired incentive that can be provided by the school.

Positive Peer Reporting

A Tier 2 behavioral intervention whereby a student is “randomly” selected as a recipient of positive comments from peers for a day.  Positive comments serve as a means of earning an incentive for the entire class. A new student is chosen each day to receive positive comments, with the target student being selected more often as needed

Restorative Practice (RP) Conference

A restorative conflict mediation process used to repair emotional or psychological harm to individuals, families, or the school community, as well as to support involved parties in creating solutions to prevent future conflict.


This intervention requires a student to assign themselves points at the end of each designated period (i.e. class period or academic subject) in a daily behavior chart agreed upon with the CCT.  Teachers may also conduct periodic check-ins to support students in making appropriate assessments of their behavior when assigning points.  Students earn an incentive provided by the school for reaching the point criteria for success determined by the CCT (see above for definition)

School Home Note

A behavior chart in which teachers award students points throughout the day.  The behavior chart is then sent home to the student’s parent/caregiver(s) to deliver incentives (e.g. extended time or access to preferred home activities) if the student reaches the point criteria for success as set by the CCT (see above for definition).  The CCT may also determine the incentives based on the student’s interests, and the incentives may be provided by the school.

School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)

An ideological framework which focuses on the use of positive support and teaching as a means of decreasing problem behavior, as opposed to traditional punitive consequences.  To review research on PBIS and other interventions, visit www.PBIS.org(link is external).

Skills Group or Intensive Skills Group

A Tier 2 intervention, this is a series of group lessons for students who have been identified as benefiting from social skills development. Typically run by a social worker or counselor, it targets specific areas of behavioral skill development.  Students will have an opportunity to both learn and practice new skills with peers.

Wrap Around Services

Advanced behavioral support provided by community partners that is utilized to provide assistance to students as well as their families, and may include support both at home and in the school environment.

Process to Appeal for Redress if School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) or Restorative Practice (RP) have not been implemented at your school site Link to this section

Process to Appeal for Redress if School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) or Restorative Practice (RP) have not been implemented at your school site

If RP or SWPBIS have not been implemented at your school site, you may appeal in writing to Student & Family Services Division (SFSD) through the Student Family School Resource Link by sending an email request to sflink@sfusd.edu. Please add "SWPBIS/RP Supports" to the email subject line. Or you can call the Resource link during operating hours at (415) 340-1716.   

Within 30 school days of receiving a written claim of failure to implement SWPBIS or RP, the SFUSD designee will meet with the person who filed the appeal and the school site administration to determine whether SWPBIS and/or RP have been implemented at the site. The SFUSD designee will respond to the person who filed the appeal in writing to notify them of whether SWPBIS or RP has been implemented; and if the failure to implement is substantiated, to describe the remedial actions that will be taken.


This page was last updated on July 19, 2024