Schools Receive 2024-25 Capacities

Capacity Setting for 2024-25

SFUSD is determining how many seats will be available at each school for the 2024-25 school year. The district uses a centralized process to set capacities so that we can make sure we are right-sizing the total number of classrooms based on actual enrollment  in our schools.  Enrollment capacities are used in February to specify the number of seats available for next year’s student assignment runs, so that families applying for the 2024-25 school year can receive their offers in March 2024.

Centralized capacity-setting is a way for SFUSD to ensure we align our resources —  especially our staff — with the students at each school. This is in service of the work toward SFUSD’s goals around student outcomes, and is part of the district’s commitment to ensuring that every student gets access to quality education.

What is capacity setting?

A process for SFUSD to determine how many spaces for students will be available at each of our schools next year. We use this information to assign students through the assignment process. 


How are capacities changing at schools next year?

In Kindergarten through 5th grade, we are reducing approximately 60 classrooms, which will make it easier to staff the classroom positions needed to serve all students.  The classrooms being reduced are all fewer than half full. In middle schools and high schools, the overall number of seats will remain basically unchanged, but there will be some decreases of empty classrooms and increases in various schools and grades.

Why is SFUSD making these changes?

Classrooms being more full means we are using our resources more efficiently. SFUSD, like many school districts in California, is experiencing a teacher shortage and declining enrollment. While schools may feel the impacts differently, we want to be sure that all of our schools have the resources they need to operate, including a quality teacher in each classroom. This shift will improve student experience or strengthen our ability to support students in meeting their academic goals.

How does SFUSD determine capacities at schools?

Overall, SFUSD is working to make sure that the total number of seats available in each grade matches the total number of students who will attend. This helps us ensure that all classrooms are staffed by a highly qualified educator. When determining how many spaces are available at each school, we try to match the number of classrooms to actual enrollment. Our goal is to limit the negative impacts of declining enrollment on the district as a whole, particularly for under-resourced schools in our most historically underserved communities.

Why can’t schools choose their own capacities?

In the past, when schools set their own capacities, the number of classrooms at each school and enrollment didn’t match - meaning that many teachers were teaching partly-empty classrooms - something we want to avoid with the challenging teacher shortage that we’re facing. This is the third year SFUSD has used a central, district-wide process to make these decisions, and the centralized capacity setting process has been successful at making capacities and actual enrollment more aligned. In SY 2022-23, the first year SFUSD set capacities centrally rather than school-by-school, elementary classrooms increased to 89% full, after being only 82% full the previous year.

Can you give an example of how this will impact a school next year?

This year, we have a few elementary schools with 44 Kindergarten spaces, but only 26 to 30 students enrolled in Kindergarten. This means that the second classroom only has between 4 and 8 students. Next year, those schools will still have enough 1st grade classes for all students, but we will reduce to just one Kindergarten classroom with 22 students. Additional students applying to these schools will be assigned to other schools with open Kindergarten spaces.

How can I participate in a conversation with my school community about our capacities for next year?

Once your school’s administrators receive their SY 2024-25 budget projections in February, they will plan discussions with the School Site Council and the rest of the school community, to discuss the school’s priorities and resources. You can also plan to attend the district wide School Planning Summit on March 3 to help develop your school’s priorities and plans for next year.

This page was last updated on January 9, 2024