Translation and Interpretation Services for Families

What language access resources are available to SFUSD families? Link to this section

SFUSD is committed to providing quality and professional translation (written) and interpretation (oral) services to all families. Review Board Policy 5023(link is external) for an outline of district requirements.

If you are a parent/guardian of a SFUSD student and would like to request translation (written) and/or interpretation (oral) services from us, please review the following FAQs and contact the teachers or administrators at your child's school. 

You can also complete one of the request forms listed at the bottom of this webpage if you are unable to contact your school site.

If you are a SFUSD employee and need translation or interpretation services for families at your school site, please complete one of these forms (employee login required).


Frequently Asked Questions
Link to this section

What is the difference between translation (written) and interpretation (oral)?

Translation is the transfer of the meaning of a text from one language to another, while interpretation facilitates the oral communication between two or more people who do not speak the same language.

What types of documents will the district translate for parents?

The district will translate information that includes but is not limited to the following types of documents provided to families:

  1. Information about special education matters

  2. Report cards and other academic progress reports

  3. Information about discipline and the disciplinary process

  4. Requests for parent/guardian permission for student participation in district/school-sponsored programs and activities

  5. Promotional materials and announcements distributed to students that contain information about school and district activities for which notice is needed to participate in such activities (e.g., testing, extracurriculars, activities requiring an application, parent-teacher conferences, open houses)

  6. Parent/guardian handbooks

  7. Documents concerning enrollment or registration

  8. Documents concerning academic options and planning

  9. Documents concerning screening procedures requesting a student’s language background, a parent/guardian’s preferred language of communication, and the process for refusing all or only specific EL services

  10. Information related to public health and safety

  11. Any written information describing the rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians or students and the benefits and services available to parents/guardians and students.

What languages are available through this service?

SFUSD provides translation services in Arabic, Chinese, Filipino (Tagalog), Samoan, Spanish, and Vietnamese (plus English). If you need translation of a SFUSD document into a language other than the languages listed, please complete one of the forms in your home language (on the bottom of this webpage) or inform a staff or administrator at your child's school site.

Families can request interpretation services for school-wide events if 15% or more of the student population in the school share a common language.

How can parents/families request translation and interpretation services?

Parents can request translation and interpretation services by submitting a request form in their home language (links at the bottom of the page). We highly recommend parents contact the teachers or administrators at their children's school for translation and interpretation services.



(SFUSD Families Only) Submitting a Translation or Interpretation Request
Link to this section

If you are a parent/guardian of a SFUSD student and would like to request translation (written) and/or interpretation (oral) services from us, please complete the following forms in your home language. Due to high volume of requests and limited staff capacity, we ask that you let us know your needs as early as possible. We may contact you and/or school site to verify the information you provide.

This page was last updated on February 15, 2024