Title IX & Williams Act

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in education, including K-12 schools. Title IX is a federal law that has been used to promote equity in education by ensuring that people of all genders in the educational setting have equal access and experience equal treatment.  Additionally, Title IX ensures that anyone who is sexually harassed or discriminated against based on their gender are able to remedy the situation with District support.  Title IX provisions are echoed and developed further in San Francisco Unified School District Board and Administrative policies,  which extend to the San Francisco County Office of Education, including community school programs and activities.  All forms of sexual harassment, whether student to student, staff to student, or student to staff, are prohibited at SFUSD schools.

To Report a Title IX Violation: Link to this section

More Information about Title IX


Williams Act Link to this section

A Williams Complaint allows a student, family, teacher, or any member of the public, to file grievances regarding K-12 schools for:

  • Insufficient textbooks and instructional materials;
  • Teacher vacancy or misassignment; and
  • Facility conditions. 

For details, or to file a complaint: Link to this section

More information about the Williams Act

This page was last updated on January 18, 2023