Principal's Expectations

Mark Heringer Link to this section

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                                                                                                     2019 -2020


 All staff members are responsible for contributing to the realization of the school's mission and goals. Additionally, staff members are expected to implement and assess their practice based upon the principal’s expectations, SFUSD Board Policy, and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, which form the basis for formal evaluations. 

1.  School Climate
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1.1 Provide a safe and clean classroom that is conducive to learning with current samples of student work displayed.
1.2 Enforce the school rules and implement site’s behaviour expectations with fidelity.
1.3 Establish clear expectations of classroom behavior and consistent enforcement of TMAHS’ Behavior Expectations (CREDO).
1.4 Respect the rights of colleagues and students.
1.5 Provide active hall supervision during passing times and at the end of the day.
1.6 Work cooperatively with other staff members.
1.7 Model expected and appropriate behavior.
1.8 Dress and maintain professional demeanor.
1.9 Set high standards for all students.
1.10 Review and follow Standard Response Protocols for emergencies.
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2.  Classroom Management
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2.1 Develop and maintain an updated course syllabi, lesson and unit plans (daily, weekly, and 6-week), based on the California State and Common Core Content and Performance Standards.
2.2 Develop three days of Emergency Lesson Plans (due to Assistant Principal of Curriculum & Instruction) and submit
by 9/1/2018.
2.3 Clearly communicate class expectations and grading policy to students and parents (to be included in course syllabi).
2.4 Teachers are expected to take attendance daily within the first 30 minutes of the period via the district’s SIS (Synergy), when available. 
2.5 Maintain accurate, and up-to-date grades. Ensure that citizenship grades are congruent with attendance patterns and expectations in the Faculty Handbook. Submit student attendance slips, and tardy slips, on a daily basis.
2.6 Employ the Dean’s Office Online Referral (BASIS) system for all student referrals.
3.  Curriculum
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3.1 Collaborate with staff in the development and implementation of units by curricular areas and across grade levels.
3.2 Utilize district adopted textbooks and curriculum materials to full implementation.
3.3 Align instructional materials, audio-visual presentations, field trips, and classroom activities with the 
California State and Common Core Content and Performance Standards.
3.4 Utilize a variety of instructional techniques to ensure student engagement and rigor in lessons.
3.5 Adhere to all SFUSD Field Trip Requirements.
3.6 Integrate technology into curriculum and work to develop 21st Century Skills.
3.7 Provide students with appropriate rubrics and exemplars.
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4.  Instruction
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4.1 Post and implement all components of the Blackboard Configuration (BBC) daily. Additionally, ensure that all lessons contain a Language Objective.
4.2 Organize instruction to address and support individual differences among students.
4.3 Demonstrate a repertoire of teaching strategies and techniques that include appropriate adaptations for diverse groups of learners, including English Language Learners (SDAIE) and Special Education students (Co-teaching).
4.4 Use creative programming and student groupings (heterogeneous groupings, homogeneous groups, zone of proximal development) according to skill levels and special needs.
4.5 Directly relate homework to classroom instruction to reinforce and expand upon daily lessons.
4.6 Provide students with frequent, effective and timely feedback on all homework, classwork and projects. All assignments and grades must be posted on Synergy in a timely manner.
4.7 Administer assessments and comply with all school, district and state mandated assessment protocols (i.e. SBAC, RI, CLAs, CFAs, LPAC, AP, etc). Work to ensure that assessment results are used to inform practice.
4.8 Utilize information in cumulative folders, SAP, SST, IEP and 504 plans to support students.
4.9 Maintain regular communications with parent/guardian regarding student progress (academic performance and behavior).
4.10 Utilize Illuminate to access available state and district assessment data and reports.
4.11 Utilize district email and/or Synergy to maintain regular communications with parent/guardian regarding class assignments, student progress, academic performance and behavior.
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5.  School Operations
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5.1 Report to work and all meetings on time. The seven-hour onsite workday is from 7:45 am to 3:25 pm. Personally sign-in daily by 7:45 am and obtain administrative permission for any off campus business.
5.2 Attend Back to School Night event.
5.3 Ensure that ASB, advisory and student announcements are broadcast and reviewed in rooms each day.
5.4 Be responsible for the accounting and condition of textbooks issued to you for teacher and student use.
5.5 Submit assigned tasks on or before the due date.
5.6 Ensure that classroom doors and windows are locked and lights are turned off when rooms are not in use.
5.7 Support the vision and goal of distributed leadership by taking on one of several distributed leadership roles available (ILT, Student Support Leader, Department leader, Ops leader, etc.).
6.  Communication
6.1 Create a course syllabus for each class, containing information on classroom instructional and behavioral expectations, assessment and grading policy and any required supplies or materials. Submit an electronic copy to the Assistant Principal (Curriculum & Instruction) and distribute to all students by 8/30/2019.
6.2 Maintain regular communication with parents/guardians and maintain a log of contacts.
6.3 Respond to parent/guardian’s contacts (email and calls) in a timely manner (within 48 hours).
6.4 Check school mailbox (before and after school), district email accounts ( sends email) and Synergy accounts) and voice mail daily. District email accounts are to be used for all official school and district correspondence.
6.5 Complete teacher feedback forms for IEPs, SSTs, 504s, and wellness referrals at least 3 days prior to meetings.
     6.6 Attend, and participate in, department, team, grade level, SAP, SST, IEP, 504 meetings and parent/teacher conferences.
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7.  Professional Growth
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7.1 Attend, and participate in, all faculty, department, grade level, and common planning time meetings.
7.2 Participate in ongoing professional growth activities and opportunities, as listed on the Cornerstone website or via OASIS.
7.3 Establish grade level, department and/or course goals.
7.4 Ensure that substitutes are requested (as explained on the Substitute System Reference sheet) for any absence from work (including illness, personal leave, professional development, jury duty, field trips, etc.) in a timely manner.  Substitute plans should be emailed to the Main Office Secretary, AP of Curriculum and Instruction and Department chair or Grade level team chair.
7.5 Maintain collaborative, proactive and respectful relationships with staff, students and parents.
7.6 Adhere to student/district confidentiality policies and mandated reporting requirements.
7.7 Collaborate with community agencies, district support staff and the TMAHS after school program staff.  





This page was last updated on September 1, 2020