School Uniform

Uniform Guidelines

All Rosa Parks students are expected to wear uniforms Monday through Thursdays. Fridays are free dress days.


Boy's uniforms consist of the following:

  • solid navy pants or navy uniform walking shorts
  • white or navy collared shirt
  • navy or white socks
  • also acceptable are any Rosa Parks t-shirts

Girl's uniforms consist of the following:

  • solid navy pants, navy jumper or skirt, or navy uniform walking shorts
  • white or navy collared shirt
  • navy or white socks
  • also acceptable are any Rosa Parks t-shirts.

While students are allowed to express their individuality through dress on Fridays, clothes should be appropriate. Midriffs must be covered and shorts and skirts should be no shorter than just above the knee. Any writing and/or graphics on apparel should be appropriate for the entire school community, including kindergarten students.

Second hand stores are an excellent source for clean, next-to-new uniforms. In cases of economic hardship, help in obtaining uniforms may be available. Please call the school and speak to the office, (415) 749-3519.

Suggestions for where to shop for uniforms:

This page was last updated on June 5, 2019