(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

Parent FAQ Information
Link to this section

Welcome new and returning students and families! We are excited to kick off the new school year!

To better assist you, please view our Parent FAQ (Frequently asked questions guide), to help you with general school questions, staff information, registration inquiries, and more.

Parents may contact the main office for assistance Monday-Friday from 8:00-4:00 p.m. Please call (415) 241-6240, and we will be happy to assist you.  Have a great new school year!   

How to View a Class Schedule(link is external)

First Week of School Reminders

Arrival Time and Class Schedules:  On the 1st day of school all students are to arrive at 8:25 in time to transition to their 8th period class where they will receive their class schedules and other important information. Teachers will go over the schedules and assist them with any questions.  

Please click here to see the first day of school Bell Schedule 24-25, Monday, August 19.(link is external)


School Breakfast and Lunch 

School Breakfast and Lunch 

  • Students may eat breakfast in the cafeteria starting at 7:30 a.m.
  • School Lunches are free to all SFUSD students no matter your income level. 
  • However, parents are required to complete a School Café Lunch/ Multipurpose form provided by the Student Nutrition Office.  Visit SFUSD.edu/MFIF or watch the tutorial on how to complete the form. Video(link is external) Step by Step guide(link is external).  For questions, you may call our School Registrar, Marta Cabrera at (415)241-6240 or at cabreram@sfusd.edu(link sends email).
  • Food Delivery Not Allowed:  Students cannot receive school lunches dropped off by delivery companies, such as Door Dash or Grub Hub, or local restaurants.
  • MHS families, we are a closed campus.  This means you must stay on campus for lunch.  12th graders will be eligible for off-campus lunch after the first 3 weeks of school.  You will receive a contract that students and parents must sign to be eligible. 11th graders will be eligible to get off-campus if they earn a 2.0 or above for the 1st marking period.   

Note: We review students' GPA's at the end of each marking period, and if their grades drop below a 2.0 or they have a high number of tardies after returning from lunch, then we will remove their off campus lunch privileges.

Notifying School of Early Pick Up or and Absences

If you plan to pick up your student early due to special appointments, please be sure to call our attendance clerk, Gerlie Colom, in advance, so we may notify the classroom teachers.  

  • You may also complete this form to report your students absences:

Reporting an Absence Google Form 24-25 

If you must notify the school that he/she will be absent, or was absent due to illness or other, please also contact Gerlie Colom for assistance at (415) 241-6240, or by email at colomg@sfusd.edu(link sends email)

Contacting Teachers & Staff

   There are a few ways parents can contact your child’s teachers:

  1. To email a teacher, click on to their name(s) in your ParentVue account and send an email. 
  2. You may also reach a teacher or staff member by calling the school at (415)241-6240.  We are not allowed to transfer calls to teachers during class time, but you may leave a message, and they will return your call. 
  3. Our Teacher and Staff Directory will be posted in the parent section on our school homepage after August 30, so you may simply click on the name of the faculty member and send an email.  

Student Counselors and Support Staff

Mission High has a great Student Services team who are here to help you and your students with a variety of support services.  Feel free to contact us by email or by calling (415) 241-6240.




School Principal



Valerie Forero




forerov@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



Assistant Principal 


Callen Taylor(link sends email)





Assistant Principal 


Sofia Argueta Moran


arguetamorans@sfusd.edu(link sends email)


School Registrar


Marta Cabrera


cabreram@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



Attendance Clerk


Gertude Colom


colomg@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



9th Grade Counselor 



Lena Rodriguez



Rodriguezl@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



10th Grade Counselor



Amber Wilson





11th Grade Counselor



Maria Servellon


servellonsegoviam@sfu(link sends email)




12th Grade Counselor



Bethany Kwan



kwanb2@sfusd.edu(link sends email)




9-12th Grade ELL Newcomer Pathway Counselor








Future College Center & Career Center 





Christian Phonseya, Program Lead


cphonseya@missiongraduates.org(link sends email)


Community School Coordinator and After-School Programming



Wilber Ramirez


wramirez@missiongraduates.org(link sends email)



Special Education Department


Elena Hillard



hillardm@sfusd.edu(link sends email)





Student Support Services



Juan Garcia




garciaj2@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



Parent Coordinator 


Benita Varnado


varnadob@sfusd.edu(link sends email)

Child Welfare and Attendance Liaison

Gigi Hasley

hasleyg@sfusd.edu(link sends email)


School Nurse 


Mary Michael-                            Preyer Watts


preyer-wattsm@sfusd.edu(link sends email)




Wellness Center Director




Chandra Sivakumaran





sivakumaranc@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



CHOW Health Coordinator


Briana Boteo



boteob@sfusd.edu(link sends email)

Athletics Department- Sports Director


Arnold Zelaya


zelayaa@sfusd.edu(link sends email)



Migrant Education Program 


Brenda                                  Sandoval Morena    


sandovalmorenob@sfusd.edu(link sends email)




How do I Receive School News?

The primary way parents receive school news is by email notices through a school communication program called ParentVue. This is a great tool that allows parents to receive weekly communications from the school site, such as parent bulletins and general notices, along with special notifications from the school district. 

It also has a feature to allow parents to view their child’s class assignments, grades, attendance, and more. Additionally, parents can connect to your student’s teachers via an email feature in ParentVUE. View highlights and application information ParentVUE Features | SFUSD.  Parents also receive phone system messages from the school, and text messages regarding upcoming events, meetings, resource information, and courtesy messages regarding canceled or rescheduled activities.

Picture Day!

School wide Picture Day will be on Wednesday. September 11th to Friday, September 13th.  Students and parents will receive information notices in August! 




Student ID Cards

Student ID Cards are issued after students have taken their school pictures in September.  It is important for students to carry their ID Cards to allow them to get into special school events, such as dances and games, as well as local community programs sponsored by our school partners.

Student Lockers 

Students will receive an assigned locker during the 2nd or 3rd week of school, along with a combination lock.   


P.E. Uniforms

All students enrolled in P.E. (Physical Education = gym class) should plan to have gym clothes in their lockers for changing on the day of the class.

Mission Gear Orders

You may order Mission Gear Swag, such as T-Shirts, Hoodies, Shorts, and Sweatpants by contacting Marta Cabrera at (415) 241-6240 or by email at cabreram@sfusd.edu(link sends email)

Check Out Our SPIRIT STORE(link is external)!


School Tours and Shadowing

 Look for School Tours and Shadowing schedules for the 2023-24 school year in September on our school website. 

Registration/Immunization/Emergency Card Parent Forms

Hello Mission Families!

We hope that you are doing well and we are very excited to meet you all soon. My name is Ms. Cabrera and I’m the School Register/Counseling Office Secretary.

This year, we are going to continue filling out all the student registration requirement forms online.  We are here to help. If you have a hard time filling it out online you can always come to the school’s registrar/counseling office #116  for assistance, or email me at cabreram@sfusd.edu, or contact your student’s counselor, or request a paper copy by calling me at 415-355-7320.

Note: Please click the  link below  to view and complete the mandatory documents due during the first week of school, if you have not already.  Again, if you need any assistance please contact me at (415)355-7320. Mission High School Registration Forms 2024-25 Goschologle Docs(link is external)

School Lunches Information: 

School lunches are free to all SFUSD students no matter your income level. However, parents are required to complete a School Café Lunch/ Multipurpose form provided by the Student Nutrition Office.  Visit SFUSD.edu/MFIF or watch the tutorial on how to complete the form. Video(link is external) Step by Step guide(link is external).  For questions, you may call our School Registrar, Marta Cabrera at (415)241-6240 or at cabreram@sfusd.edu.

Parent Activities & Volunteering

Mission High parents are invited to join or participate in the following parent groups throughout the school year!  

Mission High Parent Groups:

  •   (SSC)   School Site Parent Council
  •   (ELAC)   English Language Learners Parent Advisory Council
  •   (AAPAC) African American Parent Advisory Council

Each parent group provides parents, students, and staff members the opportunity to share their input regarding student programs and help resources to better serve our students.  Look for all parent group announcements the first month of school in the parent section on our school website and by email!


How to Volunteer: 

  • Parents will receive monthly volunteer announcements, so it is very easy to select volunteer assignments throughout the year.  Look for announcements in your school email, and in the parent section on our school website starting in late August!


  • Donate to a Classroom Teacher:  Announcements on how you may donate to a classroom teacher will start in September. We will send out  our Amazon Classroom Gift List by email. Teachers may also provide donation links to local stores or businesses for special materials and items not found on Amazon.  Look for donation email announcements soon! 


  • Donate to Families in Need:

If you would like to provide a gift card to a family in need, please contact our family coordinator, Ms. Benita Varnado at varnadob@sfusd.edu(link sends email)

Many students need clothes and personal care items, so Target                  gift cards are ideal.  Some families also struggle with food and groceries insecurity, so Safeway gift cards are especially helpful.

We thank you for your support!

This page was last updated on August 9, 2024